picture of the actual fpca form Returning your Federal Post Card Application or Ballot to your Local Election Official picture of a ballot box with a paper ballot being put in it

How do I return my on-line Federal Post Card Application Form (FPCA) to the local election official?

Click here for prepaid envelope template: http://www.fvap.gov/pubs/returnenvelope.pdf.

How do I return a ballot received via e-mail or fax?


  1. Faxing may be an option, but the ballot must be mailed as well.

  2. Print off the postage paid envelope at http://www.fvap.gov/pubs/returnenvelope.pdf on a No. 10 size business envelope or blank sheet of paper and secure it to the voted ballot package.

  3. Use the postage free transmission envelope portion of the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot, (Standard form 186).

  4. Use a plain envelope, write in bold letters on the bottom left-hand corner, "Official Absentee Balloting Material" and be sure to apply the required postage for your location.

Click here for prepaid envelope template: http://www.fvap.gov/pubs/returnenvelope.pdf.

This information is also available on the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) web site in Microsoft Word format: http://hqdainet.army.mil/mpsa/Voting Envelope on web.doc.

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