Voting Information News

Current PDF VIN* Voting Information Newsletter Masthead with DoD Seal Current HTML VIN

Voting Information News newsletter

Voting Information News is a monthly newsletter that contains timely information on upcoming elections, a "To Do" list for Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs), and other essential material to help ensure continuity of election information and the enfranchisement of citizens. Distribution of VIN totals over 25,000 worldwide and is available on the FVAP Web site, by e-mail or by regular mail.

To request to be added to the VIN e-mail list, contact the FVAP at You may also receive the VIN by standard mail. Please provide your full name and mailing address in the body of the email message and request that the VIN be delivered to you by email, standard mail, or both.

2004 VIN Issues*

2003 VIN Issues*

* Please note: Available issues of the Voting Information News newsletter are displayed as either HTML or Portable Document Format (PDF) Files. To view the PDF files, you must have version 3 or higher of the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. If you do not have an Acrobat Reader you can download it free from Adobe's web site.
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