Electronic Transmission (Faxing) of Election Materials

facsimile machine with telephone handset and paper coming out back

The FVAP's Electronic Transmission (Faxing) Service (ETS) allows citizens and state and local government officials to fax election materials, such as a request for registration and/or ballot (FPCA), a blank ballot sent to the voter by the local election official, a voted ballot returned to the local election official, and other election materials when conditions do not allow for timely receipt and return of these materials.

Because procedures vary from state-to-state, citizens should consult Chapter 3 of the 2004-05 Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) for details.

Electronic Transmission of Election Materials, Appendix C to the VAG, provides step-by-step instruction on electronic transmission (faxing) of election materials. The appendix can be downloaded from this site in two formats: Adobe Acrobat and Rich-Text. The Acrobat (pdf) format requires Acrobat Reader 5 or higher. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can go to the following site to get a free download:
Icon stating 'Get Acrobat Reader' www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html.

Appendix C (PDF version)
Appendix C (Rich-Text version)

When faxing, we recommend printing and using either the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of the fax transmittal sheet or theRich-Text version of the fax transmittal sheet. The transmittal sheet is also available in Appendix C.

To maintain the integrity of the electoral process and provide an audit trail of transmissions, all faxing must be done to one of the following numbers only:

AUSTRALIA 1-800-887858
AUSTRIA 0800-292502
BAHAMAS 1-8665605844
BAHRAIN 800-921
BELGIUM 0800-72216
BRAZIL 0800-891-0656
CANADA 1-800-368-8683
CHILE 123-0-020-2892
CHINA   10-800-120-0855
COLOMBIA     01800-9-155253
COSTA RICA 0800-012-1163
DENMARK     8088-4568
FINLAND  0-800-1-17346
FRANCE      0800-916557
GERMANY 0 800-1002793
GREECE 00800-12-5816
GUAM 1-800-368-8683
GUYANA 1-8665605844
HONG KONG 800-968820
HUNGARY 06-800-14980
INDONESIA 001-803-011-3094
IRELAND 1-800-300015
ISRAEL 1-800-9213783
ITALY 800-783943
JAMAICA 1-800-9266606
JAPAN 00531-1-20833
KOREA 00798-14-800-5648
LATVIA 800-0069
MEXICO 001-8665605844
NETHERLANDS 0800-0223962
NEW ZEALAND 0800-445874
NICARAGUA 001-800-2201638
NORWAY 800-18037
PANAMA 001-800-507-1671
POLAND 00-800-1112004
PORTUGAL 800-8-12463
PUERTO RICO 1-800-368-8683
SINGAPORE 800-1203862
SOUTH AFRICA 080-09-90857
SPAIN 900-961800
ST LUCIA 1-8665605844
SWEDEN 020-79-1472
SWITZERLAND 0800-564752
TAIWAN 00801-13-7287
THAILAND 001-800-12-066-4459
TURKEY 00-800-151-1139
UNITED KINGDOM 08-000280262
UNITED STATES 1-800-368-8683
URUGUAY 000-413-598-2820
VIRGIN ISLANDS 1-800-368-8683

If your country is not listed above, please use one of the central numbers below:

(703) 693-5527
DSN 223-5527

For technical assistance when faxing, contact the FVAP toll free in the U.S. by calling the toll-free numbers from 64 countries (including the United States).

After faxing any election material always mail the original to the appropriate state or local election official in your state or territory. Generally, all election-related materials may be mailed postage-paid in the U.S. mails, including APO/FPO facilities and all U.S. Embassies and Consulates. You must pay postage if the materials are mailed from a non-U.S. postal facility.

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