U.S. International Trade Commission

United States- Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Data

Special Monthly Summary of U.S. Trade

  1. U.S. imports, total, and under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Generalized System of Preferences, year-to-date
    A. All Sub-Saharan Africa Countries
    B. AGOA-Eligible Countries
  2. Leading U.S. imports under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Generalized System of Preferences, annual and year-to-date

Quarterly Updates

  1. U.S. exports of domestic merchandise, imports for consumption, and merchandise trade balance by major commodity sectors, annual and year-to-date (Corresponds to Table 1-1 in USITC Annual Report, Inv. 332-415)

  2. Major U.S. import suppliers under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Generalized System of Preferences, annual and year-to-date (Corresponds to Table 2-1 in USITC Annual Report, Inv. 332-415)

    A. All Sub-Saharan Africa Countries
    B. AGOA-Eligible Countries

  3. U.S. imports under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Generalized System of Preferences, by sectors, annual and year-to-date (Corresponds to Table 2-2 in USITC Annual Report,Inv. 332-415)

    A. All Sub-Saharan Africa Countries
    B. AGOA-Eligible Countries

  4. U.S. exports, imports, and trade balance, annual and year-to-date (Corresponds to Table B-1 in USITC Annual Report, Inv. 332-415)

  5. U.S. exports, imports, GSP imports, and AGOA imports by major commodity sectors, annual and year-to-date (Corresponds to Table B-2 in USITC Annual Report, Inv. 332-415)

    A. All Sub-Saharan African Countries
    B. AGOA-Eligible Countries
    C. Individual Countries

  6. Downloading Instructions

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