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When you get back, You'll be able to say "I'd do it again" in Swahili (ot Romanian, or Samoan...)

Many Volunteers find that the hardest thing about becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer is convincing their parents that it's a good idea. Like other Volunteers, Roshi Khosravipour's family had some reservations about her decision to join the Peace Corps: "My family had to leave Iran because of the political situation there. They were divided when I told them I was joining the Peace Corps. My younger relatives were very excited for me. But my mom and older uncles were not very happy."
Roshi's dedication to serving others and her enthusiasm for gaining international experience with the Peace Corps eventually rubbed off on her family. "I had worked three jobs during college and went through a lot to finish. They were hoping I would graduate, get a job, and make a lot of money. Instead I chose the life of a Volunteer. But though they had concerns about my joining the Peace Corps, once they realized I was happy, they were happy for me."
Now, Roshi finds that her background as a first-generation American brings a unique perspective that enhances her Peace Corps experience. "When my students say to me, 'I want to learn English but it is so hard, Madam,' I want to tell them, 'You know, you can do it-I did it. I didn't speak a lick of English 10 years ago and look at me now.'"
Peace Corps Volunteers like Roshi give their time, talents, and spirit to people in underserved communities all over the world. The Peace Corps will give you the chance to make a difference, to challenge yourself, and to do things you never thought you could. So how far will you go? Use the links below to explore how the Peace Corps can fit into your future.

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I want to tell them, 'You know, you can do it - I did it. I didn't speak a lick of English 10 years ago and look at me now' Roshanak Khosravipour. Peace Corps Volunteer
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