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Life is calling. How far will you go?
Apply Now
Before you begin your application, please tell us a little about yourself by completing all the questions below. Next, select your preference: our online application, a downloadable application or a paper application kit that is mailed to you.
Basic Eligibility

In order to join the Peace Corps, you must be over age 18 and
be a U.S. citizen. Non-citizens may not join the Peace Corps.
Are you a U.S. citizen? yes   no
Are you at least 18 years old?   yes   no
Contact Information
First name  
Middle initial  
Last name  
female   male  
Street address  
Zip code  
Day phone    ext. 
Evening phone    ext. 
Email address  
Educational Background

Select the highest level of education you will have attained by the time you are available for Peace Corps service. Don't worry if your degree or major is not listed. If you do not have a degree, we still want to hear from you. Your life experience and volunteer activities may qualify you for certain positions.
What is your expected level of education by the date you will be available to go overseas?

What college did you last attend? First select the state where the college is located and press Search. Then select the college you attended.
What were your major fields of study? Select as many as apply.
Information Technology
Liberal Arts
Nursing Certification
Do you have a background in any of the following languages?
Have you had any experience (paid or volunteer) in the following areas? Select as many as apply.
At-Risk Youth
Community Development
Construction or Other Skilled Trade
Information Technology
When are you available to leave for overseas?
What prompted you to visit the Peace Corps website today?
Select Application Format

If you select "Online Application," your confirmation page will link to, the host for Peace Corps' online application forms. If you select "Download Application," you will be forwarded to a Web page where you may download your materials in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. If you select "Paper Application," it will be mailed to you within 10 business days.
Note: You must wait for your confirmation page. Please do not hit the Submit button more than once.
If you experience problems submitting this form, please contact your local recruiting office or call us at 1-800-424-8580 (Select Option 1) for an application.
Privacy Act Notice: You must be a U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age. Married couples without dependent children may be accepted if both spouses qualify for an assignment. There is no upper age limit. The Peace Corps prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, age (over 40), sex, disability, political affiliation, and sexual orientation. All Peace Corps services and programs are administered on this non-discriminatory basis. Anyone who feels he or she has been discriminated against may write to the American Diversity Program Manager, Peace Corps, Washington, DC 20526.
The Peace Corps Act (22 USC 2501 et seq.) authorizes this collection of information for the recruitment of persons for service in Peace Corps Volunteer programs. Providing the information herein requested is voluntary. This information will only be used to determine your interest in Peace Corps service, and it will remain entirely confidential. Estimated completion time: 1.75 minutes. Send comments on this form to Peace Corps, Paperwork Reduction Project 0420-0007, Washington, DC 20526. OMB control number 0420-0007. The Peace Corps may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Read our privacy and freedom of information policies.