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For cutting-edge, evidence-based tools designed to help specific audiences quit smoking and remain smoke-free, look no further. They can be viewed online, downloaded in PDF format, or ordered online by selecting the appropriate link below.

Clearing the Air (2003) -'s Online Guide to Quitting
for all smokers interested in quitting
Cover of Clearing the Air

This booklet is designed to help you at any stage—whether you’re still thinking about quitting, have made the decision to quit, or have already taken steps to quit and just need help maintaining your new lifestyle. Both ex-smokers and experts have contributed to this guide. Clearing the Air can help people at all stages make it to their final goal—living smoke-free.

Clear Horizons (2001)
for smokers over age 50
Cover of Clear Horizons

If you’re a smoker over 50 who’s thinking about quitting, Clear Horizons is just for you. Even if you’ve been smoking for most of your life, you can still quit and reverse much of the damage that smoking has caused to your body. This 24-page guide will help you every step of the way. Tools have been included to help reinforce your decision to quit, with information about specific methods, such as replacement therapy or quitting cold turkey. Let Clear Horizons help you make the decision to live longer by quitting smoking.

Forever Free™ (2000)
for smokers who have recently quit
Cover of Forever Free

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to stop smoking, and have taken real steps to quit. Now comes the next step: Staying smoke-free. People who quit smoking initially fight to overcome their body’s addiction to the drug nicotine. But afterward, they still face challenges that can tempt them to smoke. Forever Free™ includes eight booklets that describe these challenges and ways to deal with them without smoking. Among the topics are controlling weight gain, dealing with stress, and what to do if you have that first cigarette.

(8 PDF's)
Guía para Dejar de Fumar (2002)
for Spanish-speaking smokers
Cover of Guia para Dejar de Fumar

The number of Spanish-speakers in the United States is growing rapidly and is soon expected to become the second-largest ethnic group in the nation. Along with this trend comes a growing need for materials that will help them quit smoking and remain smoke-free. Written for those who are thinking about quitting or have already decided to quit, these 35 pages are filled with photographs, vibrant design elements, and content that draws upon Hispanic culture.

Pathways to Freedom
for African American smokers
Cover of Pathways to Freedom

The tobacco industry has a strong grip on African Americans that can be traced from the days when slaves worked in tobacco fields to today, where Big Tobacco employs more African Americans than any other race. African Americans are currently the second-largest group of smokers in the nation. Pathways to Freedom takes a 40 page, multi-generational look at the role that tobacco plays in African American culture, revealing the tobacco industry's tactics to lure new customers and giving readers the tips they will need to free themselves from smoking and protect their families’ futures.

Get Adobe Acrobat ReaderMany of the resources above are in the Portable Document Format (PDF), and require the use of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be obtained from the Adobe Web site.

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