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Cotton On-Call Report
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Weekly Report  41

"On call" positions in spot cotton based on New York Cotton futures
reported by merchants in special account status1 as of 10/08/2004

(In Contracts)


Call Cotton Based New York

Open Futures Contracts
New York Board of Trade

Unfixed Call Sales Change From Previous Week Unfixed Call Purchases Change From Previous Week At Close
Change From Previous Week
October 2004 1   -2   22   -22   255   -137  
December 2004 6,683   -85 * 11,057   294 * 42,245   -1,794  
March 2005 10,472   648   655   -87   17,327   761  
May 2005 9,039   229   740   -5   4,204   44  
July 2005 16,746   349   122   0   5,320   31  
October 2005 1,988   112   0   0   33   0  
December 2005 3,667   113   204   200   2,072   5  
March 2006 287   0   0   0   143   0  
May 2006 581   0   0   0   0   0  
July 2006 709   0   50   0   0   0  
October 2006 54   0   0   0   0   0  
March 2007 13   0   0   0   0   0  
Totals 50,240   1,364 * 12,850   380 * 71,599   -1,090  

1 Merchants with futures positions of 50 or more contracts in one future.

* Changes from the previous week are based on revised data for last week.

This report is published by the Commission's Division of Market Oversight.
If you have any questions concerning this report, call Walter Spilka
Industry Economist, Eastern Region at (646) 746-9777.

Released after 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time