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 AAG Bio
Deborah J. Daniels
Assistant Attorney

    AAG Photo



Cheri Nolan
Deputy AAG








Office of Justice Programs
Office of the Assistant Attorney General

The OJP Assistant Attorney General (AAG) is responsible for the overall management and oversight of OJP. The AAG sets policy and ensures that OJP policies and programs reflect the priorities of the President, the Attorney General, and the Congress. In addition, the AAG promotes coordination among the OJP bureaus and offices.

The AAG is assisted in carrying out these responsibilities by the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General (PDAAG), the Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG), and the staff of the Office of the Assistant Attorney General (OAAG).

  Photo of Assistant Attorney General Deborah J. Daniels Deborah J. Daniels
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Justice Programs

Together, the OJP leadership works to guide the agency in effectively and efficiently meeting four primary goals:

  • To identify, define, and promote the understanding of critical crime, delinquency, and justice issues.
  • To develop, support, and evaluate promising and innovative strategies for ensuring safe and just communities and assisting victims of crime.
  • To build partnerships that strengthen federal, state, local, and tribal government and community capacities in addressing crime and the administration of justice.
  • To ensure a fair workplace that maximizes each employee’s contribution to the overall mission and goals of OJP.

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