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  • DNA Backlog Reduction Awards Announced. Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs Deborah J. Daniels announces that the Justice Department has awarded DNA grants to solve crime and exonerate the innocent as part of President Bush's DNA initiative, Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology.

  • Duress Systems in Corrections Facilities. A duress system helps corrections facilities respond quickly and effectively to assaults on staff and other emergencies. Find out how to identify, select, and deploy the system that best suits your facility's needs.

  • New Laboratory Enhancement Funding Program pages added to the NIJ Web site. Learn about NIJ administered funding programs to enhance and assist forensic labs in multiple areas. Check our Funding Matrix to find out what programs provide the type of funding you need.

  • Voice Translators for Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement officers who are likely to encounter non-English-speaking individuals in the line of duty can benefit from the Voice Response Translator (VRT), and electronic device that provides translations of basic commands in several languages. The VRT is a compact, easy-to-use, and battery-operated unit with fast response time and hands-free capability.

  • "DNA's Link to Corrections," Corrections Today, American Correctional Association, August 2004.

  • Test Results for Software Write Block Tools: RCMP HDL V0.4, V0.5 and V0.7. These NIJ Special Reports present the results from testing the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Hard-Disk Write Lock V0.4, V0.5, and V0.7 against Software Write Block Tool Specification & Test Plan, Version 3.0. They documents results against 21 test assertions (both mandatory and optional), describes the testing environment, provides an interpretation of the test results, and includes test results summary log files for 40 test cases. The results provide the information necessary for developers to improve tools, users to make informed choices, and the legal community and others to understand the tools' capabilities. For results of RCMP HDL V0.8 and additional computer forensic tool test results, visit the Computer Forensic Tool Testing Project on the Web.

  • Vanguard Robot Assessment: The law enforcement community needs a low-cost robot that can reduce or eliminate the time of danger for a bomb technician who must inspect, x-ray, and disrupt an explosive device. This document discusses the Vanguard robot performance compared to other bomb-disposal robots. The Vanguard has a large percentage of the features required by law enforcement. Criteria for evaluation include cost and operating range.

  • Law Enforcement Technology-Are Small and Rural Agencies Equipped and Trained? Small and rural law enforcement agencies use—and are well trained in the use of—computers and communications-related technologies. But they are not making full use of other specialized technologies that could be useful to them in performing their law enforcement functions. This is one of the findings from a recent national study that surveyed small agencies about their use of technology and their technology training needs. Technologies underused in small agencies include car-mounted mobile digital/data terminals, digital imaging for fingerprints or suspect composites, mapping systems, night vision equipment, and less-lethal weapons. This Research for Practice discusses the study, the limitations most small agencies face, and where to go for information about obtaining equipment and training.
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