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Technical Assistance and Training

  • Violence Against Women Training and Technical Assistance provides focused training and consultation to grantees supported by the Violence Against Women Office (VAWO) as well as local, statewide, tribal, and federal initiatives to combat domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Technical assistance plays a critical role in ensuring that federal funds are leveraged to make the greatest possible impact on communities, particularly those jurisdictions that are unfamiliar with how to develop and implement programs that promote victim safety and manage the behavior of violent, abusive offenders.

  • Child Abuse Prosecution Training and Technical Assistance supports programs of the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse (NCPCA) in its work to improve the quality of child abuse prosecutions. The Center assists elected or appointed prosecutors at the local, state, and federal levels by providing training, technical assistance, and publications.

  • Court Appointed Special Advocates for Abused and Neglected Children: Training and Technical Assistance Program The goals of this project are to increase the number of children served by Court Appointed Special Advocates/guardians ad litem (CASA's/GAL's) programs; promote and enhance the quality of volunteer representation of children by assuring consistency, quality, and cultural sensitivity in CASA program management; provide training for CASA program staff and volunteers through interdisciplinary training and discussion of child abuse issues; support community outreach and volunteer recruitment efforts; and provide resource development information to CASA programs. Focus areas for training and technical assistance include program development and management, volunteer recruitment and retention, board development, resource development, and grant writing.

  • Blueprints for Violence Prevention: Training and Technical Assistance The Blueprints project is designed to assist communities in replicating one or more of 10 model programs that have proven to be the most effective in reducing youth violence. Between 1996 and 1998, the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) conducted a review of more than 450 delinquency, drug, and violence prevention programs. A set of strict scientific criteria for program effectiveness and evaluation standards was established, which included an experimental design, evidence of a statistically significant deterrent (or marginal deterrent) effect, replication of at least one additional site with demonstrated effects, and evidence that the deterrent effect was sustained for at least one year post-treatment. Ten programs met these criteria. OJJDP funds enable CSPV to provide intensive training and technical assistance in the replication of the model programs.

  • Victim-Oriented Multidisciplinary Responses to Statutory Rape Training Guide (February 2000) . This guidebook raises the various problems law enforcement, prosecutors and victim service providers encounter in statutory rape cases and identifies promising practices in dealing with them.

  • Victim Services 2000 a strategy to support communities in implementing comprehensive, collaborative services for all crime victims in a victim-centered environment. Sites are to conduct a thorough assessment to identify existing service needs and develop a community-specific plan or model before assuming the role of "laboratories" to mentor other communities committed to establishing similar victim-centered systems. Sites will serve as "proving grounds" for OVC training projects and incorporate "promising practices" identified by OVC grant projects.
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