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Fielded Programs:
 Tried & True to Innovative Pilots

  • Juvenile Gun Courts: Promoting Accountability and Providing Treatment (OJJDP) (May 2002) Draws on the experiences of policymakers and practitioners involved with juvenile gun courts to describe their development. Juvenile gun courts are targeted interventions that expose youth charged with gun offenses to the ramifications of involvement in such acts. By way of illustration, this OJJDP Bulletin, part of the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program (JAIBG) series, reviews the Jefferson County (AL) Juvenile Gun Court, which is supported by OJJDP. Like its better known counterpart, the youth drug court, the juvenile gun court is a specialty court. Such courts feature small caseloads, frequent hearings, immediate sanctions, family involvement, and treatment services.
  • Project Safe Neighborhood Success Stories Project Safe Neighborhoods: America's Network Against Gun Violence is a comprehensive gun violence reduction strategy. It builds on the combined concepts of vigorous enforcement of laws as a deterrent, especially for the chronic offenders who generate disproportionate amounts of gun-related crime, and cooperative prevention and intervention initiatives impeding gun violence before it occurs.

  • Reducing Gun Violence: The Boston Gun Project's Operation Ceasefire (Oct. 2001 (NIJ) (Text or PDF) This Research Report is part of NIJ's Reducing Gun Violence publication series. Each report in the series describes the implementation and effects of an individual, NIJ-funded, local-level program designed to reduce firearm-related violence in a particular U.S. city. It describes in detail the problem targeted; the program designed to address it; the problems confronted in designing, implementing, and evaluating the effort; and the strategies adopted in responding to any obstacles encountered. Both successes and failures are discussed, and recommendations are made for future programs.
  • Working With Victims of Gun Violence (OVC)(August 2001) This bulletin, which is based on a roundtable discussion sponsored by the Office for Victims of Crime in 2000, identifies key victim issues and needs, develops recommendations for how federal and state crime victims funds could be used to address the unmet needs of gun violence victims, and identifies promising practices to serve victims of gun violence. The bulletin also makes recommendations for improving the victim assistance, criminal justice system, and community response to victims of gun violence.
  • The BJA Firearms Trafficking Program: Demonstrating Effective Strategies to Control Violent Crime (1997) TEXT or PDF

  • The Detroit Handgun Intervention Program: A Court-Based Program for Youthful Handgun Offenders (NIJ, 1998)
  • Juvenile Gun Violence and Gun Markets in Boston (NIJ) (1997) TEXT or PDF

  • Promising Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence (OJJDP, 1999)
  • Reducing Illegal Firearms Trafficking: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned (BJA, 2000)
    Text and PDF
  • Seattle's Effective Strategy for Prosecuting Juvenile Firearm Offenders (OJJDP) (2000)
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