National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
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Government Members on Standards Developing Committees 

Members: Dept of Commerce 

Government Standardization Programs and Offices 

Private Sector Standards Developing Organizations 

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Interagency Committee on Standards Policy 

Standards.Gov is a one-stop location for finding information related to the use of voluntary consensus standards in government. Each federal agency web site  (as well as state and local governments sites) has important, standards-related information. Locating that information can be a time-consuming and difficult task. At Standards.Gov, you can find links that take you directly to the information you want, thus reducing time and effort spent in needlessly locating and then searching numerous agency web sites.

You can find links to information about :

  • laws and guidance related to government use of voluntary consensus standards

  • government participation in standards developing activities

  • information on standards developing organizations

Finally, through Standards.Gov you can locate and communicate directly with organizations and with individuals who are involved with standards activities, information on standards developing organizations, sources for identifying and obtaining standards documents, and much more.