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“Access Across America”

Financial and economic security is often considered a vital component to achieving the American Dream.  We believe that through empowering and facilitating the process for folks from all walks of life to access affordable financial services, more Americans will be prepared with the financial literacy skills and resources to achieve financial freedom from many of the predatory establishments in America.

The Access Across America initiative is founded on the principle that government should empower and facilitate people toward their personal financial objectives. NCUA recognizes its role as a facilitator, which may enable people to enjoy the benefits of accessing low-cost financial services.

Access Across America will partner with key federal departments and agencies in developing solid opportunities to aid communities across America with the resources and technical assistance to serve provide much need financial services, affordable housing, and economic development opportunities.

America’s credit unions have a historic record of member service and volunteerism that is second to none in the financial marketplace.  We intend to continue working with those in the public and private sector to build on these experiences and accomplish more by removing regulatory obstacles and opening doors to enhance the opportunities for access to much needed financial services in today’s ever-changing world.

From the service of faith-based credit unions in providing financial assistance for their communities to campus credit unions committed to instilling financial literacy at an age early enough to build upon, America’s outpouring of support for service to the underserved communities in our country has never been more important than now. 

Hispanic and other minority communities, low-income neighborhoods, residents in enterprise zones…all of these can benefit from the extension of access to lower cost financial service options.

Access Across America seeks to see results which demonstrate the value of economic empowerment to people from all walks of life.

Access Across America is an initiative of the
National Credit Union Administration

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