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National School Lunch Week: October 11-15 Tips for Making Healthy Lunches for Your Child
Every meal is important when ensuring your child is getting the nutrients he or she needs, but you can't always be there to make sure he or she is eating the right foods during lunchtime at school. That is why it is key to plan your child's school lunch and educate him or her about how to make smart eating decisions. This is especially important since many of the foods readily available to today's children are not the wholesome arroz y frijoles you may have had growing up. Instead, much of the foods children eat are processed and high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and sodium. More

Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding
World Wise Schools of the Peace Corps offers free cross-cultural resources to educators in the United States. Building Bridges is a downloadable guide that contains 13 activities designed to teach the basic concepts of culture to students. The lesson plans and activities help build cross-cultural awareness, respect, and communication in the classroom. To learn more, click here! More

October Is Healthy Lung Month
Did you know children with parents who smoke are more likely to become smokers? In 1998, approximately 70 percent of the household population aged 12 and older had tried a cigarette. Little has been done by anti-tobacco campaigns to teach parents that smoking at home can have harmful effects on their children. Parents should be aware that reports have shown secondhand smoke can increase the chemical levels and respiratory sicknesses found in children. More

October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Domestic violence is one of the biggest issues not talked about in our culture. Sometimes cultural norms make it harder for women and children in our community to get help, since most problems are not discussed outside the family. More

Help Your Child Reach the Stars---Get Involved in Your Child's Education
Your child is standing on tiptoes, straining to reach the stars. Here in the land of opportunity, everyone is doing it. Dreaming and scheming: trying to be somebody. The most important thing you can do to help your children reach their potential is to get involved in their education. More

Maintaining Nutritious Habits
The selection of meal options changes each time a new group of immigrants arrives in the United States, as much for the recently arrived as for the host country. People of all cultures try to retain their traditional foods and not give in to acculturation. More

Community Spotlight

This month is on:

La Piñon Sexual Assault Recovery Services

La Piñon provides services to the community as needed. Their prevention program provides bilingual (Spanish and English) and monolingual (English or Spanish) educational services to the community related to body safety with children, sexual harassment and drug-facilitated sexual assault towards teens, and duty to report statutes to adults.
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