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Threat Advisory Level is ELEVATED

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our website. Please provide us feedback so that we can continue to enhance the site to better serve you.

Your feedback is valuable to us. To help us better respond to your inquiry please select the appropriate category and click the arrow to complete your feedback.

People who have applied for or would like to apply for an employment position at TSA, please call toll-free: 1-800-887-1895. People with hearing impairments please call: 1-800-887-5506.

People who are currently employed by TSA, please call toll-free: 1-866-274-6438.

Security Violations and Concerns
To report specific violations and concerns about security, please contact the TSA-Contact Center.

Phone: 1-866-289-9673

In the event of a transportation security emergency, contact the authorities at the airport or your local law enforcement directly.

General Aviation Operators/ Maintainers
To report suspicious activity at your local general aviation airport, please contact the National Response Center. The hotline is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Phone: 1-866- GA SECURE or 1-866-427-3287

Travel Assistance
If you are encountering problems obtaining a boarding pass, please contact the Office of the Ombudsman.

Phone: 1-571-227-2383 or 1-877-266-2837 toll-free

For questions or concerns about Travel Tips, Permitted and Prohibited Items, and information on filing a claim for lost, stolen or damaged items, please call the TSA Contact Center.

Phone: 1-866-289-9673 toll-free

Office Of Civil Rights
The toll-free number for filing EEO complaints only is 1-877-EEO-4-TSA (1-877-336-4872)

TSA Employee Workplace Concerns
If you are a TSA employee and wish to discuss a concern or issue regarding your workplace, please contact the Office of the Ombudsman.

Phone: 1-571-227-2383 or 1-877-266-2837 toll-free
Fax: 1-571-227-1387

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