U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Hispanic Employment Initiative

"American citizens of Hispanic ancestry still remain the only underrepresented minority group in the federal government."

- OPM Director

We are aggressively working to remedy this situation and encourage other federal agencies to do the same.  See the following links regarding this initiative.

El Presidente ayer firmó una Orden Ejecutiva para mejorar el reclutamiento de hispanos en la fuerza laboral federal. Esta orden hace un llamado a las agencias federales para que provean mayores oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a los hispanos.

The President Signs Executive Order That Calls On Federal Agencies To Improve Recruitment Of Hispanics Into The Federal Work Force.

Some of OPM's press releases are now available in Spanish.

1999 Report to the President’s Management Council on Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government [Web Page]  [PDF File ]
1998 Statistical Profile of Hispanics in the Federal Government [PDF File].  If you are unable to access the .pdf version of this document, please call 202.606.1059.
Agencies can reach out to broader numbers of candidates for our future workforce by sponsoring Federal Employment Information (Touch Screen) Computer kiosks in educational institutions. These computers provide Federal job vacancies nationwide, and are updated daily.

10-Point Plan

9-Point Plan

Updated 18 May 2001