IG's Government Performance and Results Act Coordination Committee
Last update: 05/31/2001

This charter establishes the mission, membership, roles, and responsibilities of the IG Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) Coordination Committee (GPRA-CC) reporting to the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE).

The primary mission of the GRPA-CC is to serve the interests of the PCIE and OIG community, and those of the Departments and Agencies by fostering and advancing the implementation of management performance and accountability.

The GPRA-CC membership will serve the PCIE community as catalysts, facilitators and educators to help promote a greater understanding and integration of the sound business practices inherent in GPRA precepts and guidelines.

The GPRA-CC will be comprised of representatives from the Executive branch IG community who are responsible for the oversight of GPRA implementation within their assigned agencies and within their respective IG organizations. Each IG represented within the GPRA-CC will be provided membership for two key or primary members to ensure both IG mission oversight responsibilities and internal IG strategic planning interests are covered.

Organizationally, the GPRA-CC will be comprised of an Executive Committee comprised of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Executive Secretary or Recorder. The Executive Secretary responsibility may be rotated on a basis decided upon by the Executive Committee. The Chairperson will periodically schedule GPRA-CC meetings, as appropriate.

Standing membership on the Committee will be provided for the following Office's of Inspector General:

State Department
Department of Labor
Department of Defense etc.

In addition, the Committee will report to the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency through a PCIE member sponsor. The sponsor will serve as a proponent for the GPRA-CC to the general Council as well as guide the GPRA-CC toward key at large interests of the PCIE.

Roles and Responsibilities: