PCIE/ECIE Human Resources Committee


The purpose of the committee is to provide educational opportunities for members of the PCIE and ECIE communities and to assist in ensuring the development of competent personnel. In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the committee has established the following goals:

    Goal 1: Education

    • Enhance the educational opportunities for members of the OIG community

    • Organize forums that will compliment OIG staff development

    • Respond to OIG professional development needs

    • Improve the technological skills of OIG personnel

    Goal 2: Training Liaison

    • Research and facilitate alternative training methods (USDA Graduate School Amerischool)

    • Assist in establishing training sessions to meet continuing education requirements

    Goal 3: Governmental Coordination

    • Continue discussions with Members of Congress to ensure OIGs maintain dialogue with Congressional offices relating to current issues of concern

    • Encourage an ongoing exchange of information with the General Accounting Office to coordinate activities and avoid duplication of efforts

    • Work with state and local Inspectors General to create uniform standards
