National BankNet
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Privacy Policy

The OCC is committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information. Our privacy policy explains the information we learn when you visit our BankNet Web site and how we will handle this information. The information we receive depends on what you do when you visit our site.
We do use temporary and persistent cookies during your session with us.
For more information on how we use cookies, see "About Cookies" below.

Please Note: This site has been granted certification for the use of persistent cookies by the Department of Treasury.

Information We Collect and Store Automatically When You Visit
If you browse through our Web site, read pages, or download information, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally. We collect and store the following information about your visit:

  • The Internet domain from which you access the Internet
  • (for example,, if you are connecting from an America Online account, or, if you are connecting from Princeton University’s domain);

  • The IP (Internet Protocol) address
  • from which you access our site. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are connected to the World Wide Web;

  • The type of browser and operating system
  • (for example, Netscape or Internet Explorer) used to access our site;

  • The date and time you access our site;
  • The pages you visit;
  • The address of the Web site you visited immediately prior to visiting BankNet; and,
  • The action that you tried to perform or the item you requested from BankNet
  •  (for example, download a document) and whether or not you were successful. If your browser accepts cookies, we may use a cookie to determine if you are a new or repeat visitor. When we examine this data it is presented in an aggregate form.

    We use this information to help us make our site more useful to visitors. We learn what users like and need; what kind of technology they are using; how often they visit; and other valuable information that helps us offer our visitors the best site possible.

    We do not collect, disclose, give, sell, or transfer any personal information about our Web site visitors, unless required by law or for law enforcement purposes.

    About “Cookies”
    A cookie is a small piece of information that a Web site stores in the Web browser. The cookie might reside in your computer memory, or it might be placed in a file on your computer hard drive so that the Web site can retrieve it later. Only the Web site that creates the cookie can read it.

    This site does not collect personal information that could be used to identify you or your activities, unless you knowingly submit specific information by completing a form. It also does not use cookies to track visits. The cookies we use fall into two categories.

      Temporary Cookies
      We use “temporary” or “session” cookies during your session with us to collect information about how you are using National BankNet. Temporary or session cookies reside only in the temporary memory of your computer and not on the hard drive. This type of cookie will last only through a single session or visit. These cookies do not capture any information that identifies you personally. They only collect information about your browser session. This information enables us to move information between pages when you navigate our site and to ensure the security of your communications with the OCC. When you close your browser, these cookies and the information about your session are automatically deleted.

      Persistent Cookies
      National BankNet also creates cookies that reside on your computer’s hard drive. This type of cookie is called a "persistent" cookie. We do not use persistent cookies to collect or maintain any personal information about you.

    If your Web browser is configured to refuse session cookies, the BankNet site will not work properly. If your Web browser is configured to refuse only persistent cookies, the site will work properly. You can delete BankNet persistent cookies from your computer hard drive after each of your visits. If you use the BankNet signoff button, the BankNet cookie will expire and your browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) will remove the expired cookie.

    Information We Collect and Store When You Send an Electronic Message Or Use Our Web Forms
    Registered users may contact us electronically by using our site’s “Message Center,” or by submitting electronic comments, inquiries or on-line forms. Before doing so, there are a few things that registered users should know. We collect information that identifies you personally only if it is provided specifically and knowingly by you. We may use the information you send us in various ways. When you send us information that identifies you (e.g., in an electronic mail message containing a question or comment), we use this information to respond to your request. Your information may be made available to OCC employees, such as our examiners or attorneys, having a business reason to see it. A copy of your message or form may be retained in our supervisory file for your bank. In addition, we may share the information you send us with other government agencies involved in financial service regulation or law enforcement. In other limited circumstances, including requests from congressional committees or pursuant to subpoenas or other legal process, we also may disclose the information you submit to us.

    About Security
    For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage, on this server are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under federal law.

    Email: October 14, 2004