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Social Security Online
History, Research & Data
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The history of Social Security, its provisions, and its people. A multimedia presentation of key dates, Presidential quotations, special collections, even fun & games to test your Social Security knowledge

SSN Card - Make sure it's copied right! - link to history site

List of popular baby names based on Social Security number applications

COLA - links to Latest increase

Data Quality

Social Security's information quality guidelines as prescribed by OMB Section 515. How we intend to ensure the quality of our information products, including their utility, objectivity, integrity, transparency, and reproducibility

Policy, Research & Statistics

Social Security policy development, analysis and research, evaluation, and statistics, and more…A broad picture of the population aged 55 and older; their income sources and poverty status; earnings and employment data, arranged by state and region

Office of the Chief Actuary

The financial impact of proposals to change the Social Security program; how cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) and other amounts are computed; and more… An overall view of the OASDI program's balance between future benefit liabilities and future tax collections; estimates of the future cost of the SSI program; and the financial impact of proposals to change it...

Freedom of Information

Provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), fees for FOIA requests, frequently requested documents, and more…Learn about the law that makes the federal government accountable to the public for its actions and prevents agencies from having secret policies

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