National Credit Union Administration

Credit Union Queries Skip to Page Content
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Instructions for Searching for Individual Credit Unions

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Enter the search term(s) and click on the "Find" button.

This is a case-insensitive search - e.g. FIRST is equivalent to first.

Credit Union Name: Only use the first word of the Credit Union Name -
i.e. entering state
The Credit Union Name field will return STATE & PARISH EMPLOYEES , STATE AGENCIES , etc.
You can narrow the search by using a city, state or other criteria.

You can also search on partial names - i.e. entering NAV
The Credit Union Name field will return NAVY, NAVAL, etc.

Searches on City require the exact city name.

Credit Union Type:

  • 1 = Federal (charter numbers 0-59999)

  • 2 = Federally Insured State Chartered (charter numbers 60000-79999)

  • 3 = Non-Federally Insured (charter numbers 80000+)