DeLay: Evil Will Not Stand in Baghdad, or Havana
Honors Victims of Communism in Memorial Cubano Address

MIAMI – House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today delivered an impassioned speech denouncing Fidel Castro’s terrorist regime and honoring thousands of victims of communist violence and oppression at el Memorial Cubano in Miami, Florida.

“Humanity has known it by many names – Nazism, fascism, Communism, terrorism. But it is one and the same evil, inhuman ideology – no matter what language it speaks, or what uniform it wears,” DeLay said.

“The war on terror is a war against evil, and it is therefore a war against Fidel Castro,” DeLay said. “Freedom and terrorism cannot coexist, and evil will not stand. And if it will not stand in Baghdad, Kabul, Tehran, or Ramallah, then it will not stand in Havana.”

DeLay joined Florida congressmen Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and Mario Diaz-Balart, along with members of the Cuban Memorial Project, an assembly of various organizations, groups, and individuals from the Cuban exile community, to denounce Fidel Castro’s regime.

“If the war on terror is going to be won, it must be won in this hemisphere first, and if it is going to be won in this hemisphere, then Castro must go,” DeLay said. “As long as George W. Bush is in the White House and I am the Majority Leader in the House, the United States will never lift the embargo while Castro remains in power.”

The weekend gathering of Cuban – Americans is hosted at the onset of the 109th anniversary of “Grito de Baire,” the call to arms and declaration of independence by Jose Martí. It is also the eighth anniversary of the attack on civilian Brothers to the Rescue planes and the first anniversary of Castro’s new crackdown, which landed 75 innocent advocates for justice in prison.