DeLay: One More Chance for Senate Action
Urges Senate to Allow Vote on National Energy Policy

WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today argued against Senate obstructionism as the House passed urgently needed energy legislation – for the fourth time since 2001 – by a vote of 244-178.

“While the Democrats have hamstrung the energy bill in the Senate, gas prices have risen, and the Northeast was struck with the largest blackout in history,” DeLay said. “The summer traveling season is upon us – the fourth since the president first delivered his legislation to us –and still the American people wait for action.”

The House-backed energy plan enhances conservation, research, and development and provides for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people. It is exactly the same as the comprehensive energy package that passed the House in November 2003 by a vote of 246-180 – the same plan that Senate Democrats have blocked from having a fair vote. Had this legislation passed, Americans would not be facing the increased energy costs they do today.

“Jobs are waiting to be created. Our economy is waiting to be stronger. And our nation is waiting to be safer,” DeLay said. “All it will take is a vote in the Senate.”

DeLay leads the House Energy Action Team (HEAT), which helped pass a bipartisan and forward-looking energy policy and is now tasked with promoting Senate passage of the energy bill.