DeLay Praises Signing of Working Families Tax Relief Act
President Ensures Economic Recovery Felt by All Americans

WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today said President Bush’s signing of the Working Families Tax Relief Act will help maintain the economy’s upward momentum, create jobs, and protect working families from unwanted and unnecessary tax hikes.

“This tax relief will be the difference between prosperity and poverty for millions of American families,” DeLay said.  “Democrats may have wanted to let this tax relief backslide, but President Bush and the Republican Congress stood up for working families and stopped their plan to allow snap-back tax hikes to become law.  Parents deserve their $1000-per-child tax credit, married couples deserve equal treatment in the tax code, and low-income Americans deserve to keep more of their money.”

The Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 extends key parts of the Bush tax relief plan which would have expired next year.  The bill will do the following:

- Extend full marriage penalty relief to couples who are unfairly taxed just because they are married,

- Lessen the tax burden on lower-income Americans by ensuring the full benefits of the 10 percent tax bracket, and

- Help working moms and dads by ensuring that the full $1,000-per-child tax credit is available through 2010.