DeLay: Looking Forward to Future Agenda
House Republicans Celebrate 10 Years in Majority

WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today joined other members of the House Republican leadership and Republican members of Congress to celebrate the 10th anniversary of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives and to set new goals for the next 10 years.  DeLay urged his colleagues to see the Republican accomplishments of the past 10 years as just the beginning.

“Every reform we have made, every promise we have kept, has not been an end in itself, but the means to a greater end,” DeLay said.  “Another inch of momentum in our long-term agenda to build the kind of America our children and grandchildren deserve.

“Even as we look back on the 1994 agenda, we also look forward to a new agenda – as always, an agenda of deeds and not merely words – to protect and defend the security, prosperity, and families of the United States.  You won’t find this agenda printed on a palm card, but unlike some other less worthy and specific agendas, one day soon you will find it printed in the history books,” DeLay said.

“Our new agenda will be an agenda not just of tax relief, but of fundamental, national tax reform.  An agenda not just of defending our nation, but of proudly fighting for it – and the ideals upon which it was founded – anywhere and everywhere they are threatened.”

The Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in 1994.  During the 10 years in which they have held the majority, Republicans have reformed welfare, cut taxes 4 times, secured Medicare and strengthened our health care system with market-based reforms, restored our military to its rightful place atop our national agenda, called public schools to account for decades of underachievement, and presided over 69 percent economic growth.