District of Columbia: The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) is the primary form for requesting registration and/or an absentee ballot from your local election official. Read all instructions printed below and on the FPCA before completing and signing your application. [End of table] Application Instructions: Circled letters on the form above correspond to the instructions below. You must complete all shaded areas. A. The last four digits of your Social Security number OR your District of Columbia Driver's License number is required for voter registration. If you do not possess either of these identifications, the District of Columbia shall assign a number that will serve to identify you for voter registration purposes. B. Do not leave blank. Enter "N/A" if not applicable or if you are a first time voter. C. Provide the complete street address of your District of Columbia voting residence. A post office box is not sufficient. D. Print the complete address where you want your ballot to be sent -- usually your current mailing address. It must be different from the address you provided in Item 3. E. If you do not list a party affiliation, you cannot vote in primary elections. You must indicate your political party affiliation when applying for a primary ballot (Example: Democrat, Republican) or write "none" in Item 6 of the FPCA. Political party affiliation is not required if only requesting absentee ballots for general elections. If you are currently registered and want to change your political party affiliation or you have previously declined to indicate a political party and you now want to vote in a primary election, you must submit a completed FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics which includes your new political party affiliation. F. Check ONE box. G. You must sign and date the FPCA. When signing, you are swearing or affirming that the information is true and correct. I. Uniformed Services : A. Who Can Do It: These procedures apply to persons who are U.S. citizens, residents of the District of Columbia and members of the Uniformed Services and their family members. Uniformed Services are defined as the U.S. Armed Forces, merchant marine, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. B. Registering and Requesting an Absentee Ballot: You should send an FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics as early as 12 months preceding any election and whenever you change your mailing address (see Chapter 2). To register and request an absentee ballot, send a completed FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics postmarked not later than 30 days before the election. If your FPCA is not postmarked, your FPCA must arrive at the Board of Elections and Ethics not later than 23 days before the election. If you are already registered and only wish to apply for an absentee ballot, send a completed FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics so that it arrives not later than 7 days before the election. C. Casting Your Vote: Ballot Return Deadline: Voted ballot must be postmarked not later than midnight on the day of the election and must arrive not later than 10 days after the election. District of Columbia election officials mail absentee ballots not later than 35 days before the election. If you are outside the U.S. and have not received your ballot in a timely manner, use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot. See instructions in Chapter 2, page 12. Due to its Federal status, the District of Columbia does not send representatives to the U.S. Senate, however, it does participate in the election of the President and Vice President of the U.S. Additionally, a Delegate to the House of Representatives is elected. D. Notary/Witness Requirements: No registration or voting materials are notarized or witnessed. E. Electronic Transmission of FPCAs and Ballots: * The District of Columbia allows you to send the FPCA application for registration and absentee ballot by fax. After faxing, submit the FPCA by mail. * The District of Columbia permits faxing of the absentee ballot only when military service prevents the applicant from receiving the absentee ballot and returning the voted ballot within 45 days. An application shall contain the reason that the applicant's military service prevents the applicant from receiving and returning the voted ballot through the mail process. Upon approval of an application, the voter is assigned a fax authorization number and required to sign an affidavit to waive his/her right to a secret ballot. * Except in the special circumstances outlined above, the District of Columbia does not allow you to receive and return the voted ballot by fax. Please refer to Appendix C for specific instructions when transmitting election materials electronically. Use the following numbers: DSN 223-5527: (703) 693-5527: 1-800-368-8683: Additional international toll-free fax numbers are listed on the inside back cover. Instructions continue in Section III: Uniformed Services & Civilians Outside U.S. II. Civilians Outside U.S. : A. Who Can Do It: These procedures apply to persons who are U.S. citizens, residents of the District of Columbia and overseas citizens. The term "overseas citizen" means a U.S. citizen who resides outside the U.S. and (but for such residence) would be qualified to vote in the District of Columbia. * District of Columbia residents temporarily outside the U.S. (for local and Federal office ballots): * overseas citizens (for Federal office ballots only): B. Registering and Requesting an Absentee Ballot: You should send an FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics as early as 12 months preceding any election and whenever you change your mailing address (see Chapter 2). To register and request an absentee ballot, send a completed FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics postmarked not later than 30 days before the election. If your FPCA is not postmarked, your FPCA must arrive at the Board of Elections and Ethics not later than 23 days before the election. If you are already registered and only wish to apply for an absentee ballot, send a completed FPCA to the Board of Elections and Ethics so that it arrives not later than 7 days before the election. C. Casting Your Vote: Ballot Return Deadline: Voted ballot must be postmarked not later than midnight on the day of the election and must arrive not later than 10 days after the election. District of Columbia election officials mail absentee ballots not later than 35 days before the election. If you have not received your ballot in a timely manner, use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot. See instructions in Chapter 2, page 12. Due to its Federal status, the District of Columbia does not send representatives to the U.S. Senate, however, it does participate in the election of the President and Vice President of the U.S. Additionally, a Delegate to the House of Representatives is elected. D. Notary/Witness Requirements: No registration or voting materials are notarized or witnessed. E. Electronic Transmission of FPCAs and Ballots: * The District of Columbia allows you to send the FPCA application for registration and absentee ballot by fax. After faxing, submit the FPCA by mail. * The District of Columbia does not allow you to receive the blank ballot by fax. * The District of Columbia does not allow you to return the voted ballot by fax. Please refer to Appendix C for specific instructions when transmitting election materials electronically. Use the following numbers: DSN 223-5527: (703) 693-5527: 1-800-368-8683: Additional international toll-free fax numbers are listed on the inside back cover. Instructions continue in Section III: Uniformed Services & Civilians Outside U.S. III. Uniformed Services & Civilians Outside U.S. : A. Bars to Registration and Voting: Persons currently imprisoned for a felony or found mentally incompetent by a court may not register or vote. B. Action on Registration Requests: A voter registration card is sent. C. Action Upon Denial of Registration or Absentee Ballot Request: Upon denial of your voter registration application or absentee ballot request, the District of Columbia shall provide you with the reason(s) for the rejection. Persons denied registration may appeal to the Board. Consult a legal assistance officer or civilian counsel. D. Where To Send It: Mail the FPCA to: The District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics: 441 4th Street, N.W. Suite 250: Washington, DC 20001-2745: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :