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This Month In History

Although the Air National Guard
was not established as a separate
component of the U.S. Air Force
until 1947, National Guard
aviators have played significant
roles in all of America's wars and
most of it's major contingencies
since the beginning of the 20th
Century. Visit the pages on this
history site to explore the heritage
of American seen
through the deeds of minutemen.

The Air National Guard in the Korean War

These new pages contain Korean War chronology, photos, and stories. Submit your own ANG stories, memoirs, letters, etc. to the ANG Historians. Visit this site for additional information.

Then and Now: Air National Guardsmen fight wild fires


Photo of C-130E aircraft.

The Air Guard has found that the firefighting mission has helped its aircrews continue to hone their wartime low-level airdrop, formation-flying skills.. ~ More... ~

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