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Website:   Date: 10/14/2004   Time:  9:08:58 PM





NOTE TO PREPARER OF CORRESPONDENCE: A response must be made to a requester within 10 calendar days regarding whether or not to provide expedited processing.


A request for expedited processing must show a compelling need [see paragraph 11f(5) of SECNAVINST 5720.42F] and be certified. 


This response does not require the signature of an Initial Denial Authority (IDA).


Dear [MR/MS/MRS ___________]: 


This refers to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of [DATE OF REQUEST], in which you seek the expedited processing of your request for [DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED DOCUMENTS].  Your request was received by this office on [DATE OF RECEIPT] and assigned file number [FOIA FILE NUMBER].


You indicate that the basis of your request for expedited processing [DESCRIPTION OF NEED].  We considered your request pursuant to guidelines established in Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 5720.42F, which implements the FOIA within the Department of the Navy. 


Please be advised that a request for expedited processing must demonstrate an exceptional need or urgency for the information in order to be granted (i.e., when there is an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual, an imminent loss of substantial due process rights or humanitarian need, or an urgent need by an individual primarily engaged in disseminating information in order to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity).  Additionally, a requester must provide a statement in which he or she self-certifies that the stated basis for expedited processing is true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge before a request for expedited processing may be considered.  In this instance, we find that you have not demonstrated an exceptional need or urgency nor have you self-certified that need or urgency. 

I have reviewed your claim and self-certification and have determined that I must deny your request for expedited processing. [STATE REASON - I.E., YOU FAILED TO CERTIFY YOUR NEED; YOUR REQUEST DOES NOT MEET THE DEFINITION OF URGENTLY NEEDED; ETC]. 


You may appeal this decision, in writing, to [SELECT THE APPROPRIATE APPELLATE AUTHORITY]. 


          FOR BUSINESS/COMMERCIAL LAW AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL LAW ISSUES:  General Counsel of the Navy, 720 Kennon Street Se, Rm 214, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5012; or


         FOR MILITARY LAW AND ALL MATTERS OTHER THAN THOSE FALLING UNDER THE COGNIZANCE OF GENERAL COUNSEL:  Judge Advocate General of the Navy (Code 14), 1322 Patterson Avenue SE, Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066.


Your appeal must be postmarked within 60 calendar days from the date of this letter to be considered.  A statement as to why your appeal should be granted should be included and the enclosed copy of this letter should be attached.  Both the appeal letter and the envelope should bear the notation, "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." 


Additionally, be advised that, since your request for expedited processing has been denied, we have placed your request in our "routine request" queue and have initiated a search for responsive records.  We fully expect that a decision to grant or deny access to the requested records will be made by [DATE (20 WORKING DAYS FROM THE DATE OF RECEIPT OF YOUR REQUEST)].  


If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact [POC NAME] at [POC PHONE NUMBER]. 





                               [DOES NOT REQUIRE IDA


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About this Site: This is an official Department of the Navy website provided as a public service of the Office of the General Counsel in cooperation with the SECNAV/CNO Freedom of Information Act Office (FOIA). The FOIA Office reports to the Director of Navy Staff. Registered with GILS as: Department of the Navy Freedom of Information Act Web Site. Before contacting us read our Privacy Policy.

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