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International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources

ICANS is an informal network of laboratories whose scientists are involved in developing pulsed neutron sources and accelerator based spallation neutron sources.

Brief History of ICANS

ICANS originated in discussions that took place in 1977 at Argonne National Laboratory among John M. Carpenter of Argonne National Laboratory, Rex G. Fluharty of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Leo C. W. Hobbis of Rutherford Laboratory, and Motoharu Kimura, representing Tohoku University and the Japanese National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK). They formulated the goals and structure of the Collaboration, described below as they have since been slightly modified. T. O. Brun and J. M. Carpenter share blame for the "ICANS" acronym.

ICANS meetings began in 1977 with a gathering at Argonne. A second was held at Rutherford Laboratory in 1978, and a "mini-ICANS" meeting, held jointly between KEK and Rutherford Laboratory scientists, took place at Rutherford Laboratory in 1979. None of these sessions was reported in any published document. Subsequent meetings have all been reported in proceedings. Altogether there have been twelve major ICANS meetings up to 1994. About 125 scientists have attended each of the recent ICANS meetings.

Related similar topical collaborations and series of meetings have recently been established, the Advanced Pulsed Neutron Sources (PANS) conferences convened by the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna, and the International Group on Research Reactors (IGORR) meetings.

Goals and Structure of ICANS

The attention of the Collaboration is on the subjects of accelerator development, source (target) and moderator development, and neutron scattering instrumentation development. The collaboration has the following goals:

  • to facilitate the exchange of technical information
  • to provide for review of results and designs
  • to reduce duplication of efforts
  • to identify areas for collaborative efforts, and
  • to provide means for informing participants about plans for activities relating to pulsed and steady spallation source development.

Meetings are normally of four or five days duration and are held about every two years. Efforts are made to coordinate ICANS meetings with other events in order to minimize the costs and other impacts of travel. Usually, meetings address two of the three subject areas, always including the topic of targets and moderators. Meetings are only loosely structured, including brief status reports from each of the active laboratories, contributed papers from the participants, and sometimes poster sessions. Ideally, meetings provide substantial time for workshop sessions and informal discussions. Always, meetings end with "how did we do?" discussions and planning for forthcoming meetings.

It is the tradition within the Collaboration that each of the participating laboratories identifies an "ICANS Contact" who serves to communicate with the Collaboration on behalf of the laboratory. Normally responsibility for playing host to meetings rotates among the participating laboratories and is decided by discussions among the contacts one or two cycles before the planned meeting. Responsibility for coordinating events rests with the host of the next upcoming meeting, and the host laboratory takes responsibility for timely publication of proceedings and for supporting other conference costs. Otherwise, the Collaboration is quite informal. For early meetings, there was no fee for participation in ICANS meetings. This policy was changed as of ICANS XIII (1995) due to the growing burden on the host laboratory because of participants from non-member laboratories. Attendance is by invitation from the host through the member laboratory ICANS Contacts.

The tradition was that the directors of the member laboratories sent a letter to the director of any new laboratory that wished to join in the Collaboration; these were shepherded by the ICANS Contacts.  This procedure has been revised in the following way:

Any laboratory wishing to formally join the Collaboration shall send a Letter of Request to the ICANS Contact of the Laboratory designated to host the next meeting. The Laboratory will then be invited to send a delegate to the next ICANS meeting where the acceptance will be confirmed by the other Contacts by their signatures on the Letter of Request. A new member laboratory must be willing to accept host responsibilities and must explicitly subscribe to the spirit of the Collaboration.

ICANS Contacts for Current Member Laboratories

Name Affiliation Location E-Mail Address
A. V. Belushkin Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia
J. M. Carpenter Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, Illinois, USA
H.M. Conrad FZJ - Forschungszentrum Jülich Juelich, Germany
J. B. Hastings Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, L.I., NY, USA
S. Ikeda National Laboratory for High Energy Physics Tsukuba, Japan
T. Mason Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Y. Oyama Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Japan
G. J. Russell Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
W. Wagner Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen, Switzerland
W. G. Williams Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils Chilton, Oxon, UK

ICANS meetings and proceedings

Following is a list of ICANS meetings, dates, venues, and references to proceedings. The list includes full titles of the proceedings volumes, sources for obtaining copies (availability is not certain) , and suggested short forms for use in journal references.

  • ICANS I - Argonne National Laboratory, December 12-15, 1977

  • ICANS II - Rutherford Laboratory, July 10-14, 1978

  • ICANS III - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, March 19-22, 1979

    • International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS III: Conference on Target Stations and Accelerator Technology. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, March 19-22, 1979. Compiled by Gary J. Russell. (ring bound, 136 pages)
    • Unnumbered internal report of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, September, 1979.
    • Los Alamos, March, 1979; unnumbered internal report of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, (September, 1979).

  • ICANS IV - National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 20-24, 1980

    • Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS IV) KEK, Tsukuba, October 20-24, 1980, KENS Report II, March, 1981. Edited by Yoshikazu Ishikawa, Noboru Watanabe, Yasuo Endoh, Nobuo Niimura and John M. Newsam. (perfect bound, 776 pages).
    • Unnumbered internal report of the Japanese National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, 1-1 Oho-Machi, Tsukuba-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 305 Japan.
    • KEK, October, 1980, unnumbered internal report of the Japanese National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, (March, 1981).

  • ICANS V - KFA Jülich and KfK Karlsruhe, Germany, June 22-26, 1981

    • Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Plenary Sessions and Target Station Workshops, Jülich, June 22-26, 1981. Editors: G. S. Bauer and D. Filges. ISSN 0344-5789. KFA report Jül-Conf-45, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH, October, 1981. (perfect bound, 664 pages)
    • Printed by Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH. Available through ZENTRALBIBLIOTEK der Kernforschungsanlage Jülich, Postfach 1913 D-5170, Jülich, Germany. Jülich, June, 1981, KFA report Jül-Conf-45, (1981).
    • Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Workshop on High Intensity Accelerators and Compresor Rings, Karlsruhe, June 22-26, 1981. Editor: M. Kunze. ISSN 0303-4003. KfK report KfK 3228, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, October, 1981. (perfect bound, 254 pages). Printed by Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe.
    • Karlsruhe, June, 1981, KfZ report KFZ 3228, (1981).

  • ICANS VI - Argonne National Laboratory, June 28-July 2, 1982

    • Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Argonne National Laboratory, June 29-July 2, 1982. Editor J. M. Carpenter. Argonne National Laboratory report ANL-28-80. January, 1983. (perfect bound, 662 pages)
    • Available from National Technical Information Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
    • Argonne, June, 1982, Argonne National Laboratory report ANL-28-80, (1983).

  • ICANS VII - Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory, September 13-16, 1983

    • Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, September 13-16, 1983. Edited by S. O. Schriber. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited report number AECL-8488, September, 1984. ISSN 0067-0367 (perfect bound, 292 pages)
    • Scientific Document Distribution Office, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada K0J1J0. Document number 3003-84. $11.00 per copy.
    • Chalk River, September, 1983, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited report number AECL-8488, (1984).

  • ICANS VIII - Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, July 8-12, 1985

    • Proceedings of the Eighth Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, 8-12 July 1985. Editor George C. Stirling. Volume I, Status reports, Target systems, Moderators; Volume II, Neutron-scattering instruments; Volume III, Neutron-scattering techniques. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory report RAL-85-110, November, 1985. (perfect bound, 3 volumes, 831 pages)
    • Published by the Science and Engineering Research Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxon, OX 0QX, UK.
    • Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, July, 1985, Volumes I, II, III, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory report RAL-85-110, (1985).

  • ICANS IX - Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research, September 22-26, 1986

    • Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Villigen, September 22-26, 1986. Editors F. Atchison and W. Fischer. SIN report number 7 87 180 40926; ISBN 3-907998-01-4, July, 1987. (perfect bound, 657 pages)
    • Produced by the Information Services, Public Affairs Office, Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research, CH 5234 Villigen/Switzerland. Document number 7.87 180 40926.
    • Villigen, September, 1986, SIN report number 7 87 180 40926, (1987).

  • ICANS X - Los Alamos National Laboratory, October 3-7, 1988

    • Advanced Neutron Sources 1988, Proceedings of the 10th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS X) held at Los Alamos, 3-7 October, 1988, Edited by D. K. Hyer. Institute of Physics Conference Series Number 97, Institute of Physics, Bristol and New York. CODEN IPHSAC 97 1-890 (1989), ISBN 0-85498-053-9. (hard cover, 890 pages)
    • IOP Publishing Ltd, Techno House, Radcliffe Way, Bristol BS1 6NX, England; 335 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017-3483, USA.
    • Los Alamos, October, 1988, Institute of Physics Conference Series Number 97, Institute of Physics, Bristol and New York, (1989).

  • ICANS XI - National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 22-26, 1990

    • Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, KEK, Tsukuba, October 22-26, 1990. KEK report 90-25, March, 1991 AMRD. Editors M. Misawa, M. Furusaka, H. Ikeda and N. Watanabe. (2 volumes, perfect bound, 1159 pages)*
    • Technical Information and Library, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305 Japan.
    • Tsukuba, October, 1990, Japanese Laboratory for High Energy Physics, KEK report 90-25, (1991).

  • ICANS XII - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, May 24-28, 1993

    • Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, ICANS-XII, held at the Cosener's House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, 24-28 May, 1993. Volume 1, New Science at Pulsed Sources, Instrumentation Workshop; Volume 2, New Sources, Accelerator Workshop, Target Station Workshop; Facility Status Reports, Abstract Booklet. Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory report 94-025, 1994. Editors Ushchi Steigenberger, Tim Broome, Grahame Rees and Alan Soper. (perfect bound, Volume 1, 384 pages; Volume 2*, 392 pages; Status Reports, 56 pages; Abstracts, 112 pages)
    • Published by the Science and Engineering Research Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxon, OX 0QX, UK.
    • Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, May, 1993, Volume 1, Volume 2, Status Reports, and Abstracts, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory report 94-025, (1994).

  • ICANS XIII - and ESS-PM4 - Switzerland, October 11-14, 1995.

    • Held in sequence with the third ESS Plenary Meeting. Host, Paul Scherrer Institute. Contact, G. S. Bauer.
    • Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Villigen, PSI, Switzerland, October 11-14, 1995, and of the 4th General Meeting on the European Spallation Source, Weinfelden, Switzerland, October 16-19, 1995. Volume I, Session Summaries, General News, News from Existing ICANS Facilities, Instruments, Methods and Components, The Long Pulse Option; Volume II, Targets, Moderators, and Handling Devices, Accelerator Systems and Components, Project Studies, List of Sponsors, Indices. Paul Scherrer Institut Report PSI Proceedings 95-02, ISSN 1019-6447. November, 1995. Editors G. S. Bauer and R. Bercher. (perfect bound, Volume I, 428 pages, Volume II*, 471 pages.) *Contains list of attendees' names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
    • Published by Paul Scherrer Institut, CH 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.
    • Villigen PSI, and ESS-PM4, Weinfelden, October, 1995, Volume I, Volume II, PSI Report 95-02, ISSN 1019-6447, (1995).

  • ICANS XIV - Starved Rock Lodge, Utica, Illinois, USA, June 14-19, 1998.

    • Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Starved Rock Lodge, Utica, Illinois, USA, June 14-19, 1998.
    • Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-98/33, ISSN 1560-859X. June 1998. Editors J. M. Carpenter and C. A. Tobin. (perfect bound, Volume I; 438 pages, Volume II; 469 pages.)
    • Published by Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA, 60439.

  • ICANS XV - Epocal Tsukuba International Conference Center, Tsukuba, Japan, November 6-9, 2000.

    • Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, edited by S. Itoh and J. Suziki (perfect bound, Volume 1, 698 pages; Volume 2, 714 pages).
    • KEK Proceedings 2000-22, JAERI-Conf 2001 0002, March 2001.  Available from Information Resources Division, High Energy Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305-0801, Japan
    • Published by High Energy Research Organization and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute.

  • ICANS XVI - Neuss, Germany, May 12-15, 2003.

    • Sponsored by Forschungszentrum Juelich.  Conference Chair, H. M. Conrad.

  • ICANS XVII - Los Alamos National Laboratory will host the seventeenth meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XVII).  The meeting will be held at Bishop's Lodge Resort and Spa, just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, about 45 miles from Los Alamos.  The meeting dates are April 24-29, 2005.  Conference Chair, Gary Russell.


June 2, 2004

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