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Hazards are unpreventable natural events that, by their nature, may expose our Nation's population to the risk of death or injury and may damage or destroy private property, societal infrastructure, and agricultural or other developed land. Hazards dealt with by the USGS include earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, landslides, coastal storms, wildfires, and outbreaks of disease in wildlife populations.

USGS activities in the hazards theme area deal with describing, documenting, and understanding natural hazards and their risks. These activities include long-term monitoring and forecasting, short-term prediction, real-time monitoring and communication with civil authorities and others during a crisis. Other significant activities are post-crisis analysis with scenario formulation to develop strategies to mitigate the impact of future events and preparation of coordinated risk assessments for regions vulnerable to natural hazards.

For information on chemical spills and toxics in the environment, please see the USGS Environment theme page.

Recent Highlights:

USGS Responds to Hurricane Floyd

PPP 2000 -- Reducing Hazards Losses

Natural Hazards: Minimizing the Effects

USGS Wildland Fire Research

Individual Hazards

Geographic Distribution of Hazards

Fact Sheets on Hazards

Comments and Questions, contact the Hazards Theme Coordinator

Hazards || Natural Resources || Environment || Information Management || Theme Coordinator Bio
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