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Cultural Resources Diversity Program

The National Park Service is dedicated to diversifying the cultural resources and historic preservation field through new programs and approaches.

Read more about our program's goals

The Cultural Resources Diversity Program is located within the National Center for Cultural Resources of the National Park Service. The Program develops and administers the Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program, publishes the newsletter Heritage Matters, participates in conferences and consults on diversity topics, conducts research projects on cultural diversity issues, and develops curriculum materials on cultural resources/historic preservation for colleges and universities, targeting minority schools.

Find out more
about our projects and activities:

Publications: View our own, Heritage Matters; Find links to publications and reading lists relevant to cultural resources and diversity topics.

Internships: Use resources to find internship programs in the cultural resources/historic preservation field, including the Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program.

Colleges & Universities: Find information and links to: Curriculum material in cultural heritage preservation; Lists of ethnic studies programs; Lists of programs in historic preservation and related studies; Lists of universities and colleges that are historically and numerically a minority student body; A list of scholarships and fellowships for undergraduates and graduates in historic preservation and cultural resources related fields.

Research: Find out about our current research projects in cultural diversity.

Places & Cultures: Discover historic places and cultural heritage that reflect multicultural America.

What's New: See the latest updated information about our internship program, research projects, and publications.

Conferences: Learn about upcoming conferences related to history, historic preservation, and various areas of cultural resources.


