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  Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany GA

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Marine Corps Logistics Base Chapel

Making a person at a time!

Welcome to Marine Corps Logistics Base Chapel. Our desire is to minister to you and your loved ones and to help strengthen your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We trust you will find our Web site informative and inspirational. Please contact us with questions or comments and join us in person as we serve the Lord together.

Chaplain Richards
(229) 639-5283

Sunday 0900 Sunday School
(all ages)
  1030 Protestant Worship
(Communion on the first Sunday of every month)
Wednesday 1000 Women's Bible Study
Thursday 1800 Thursday Bible Study (TBS)
(all ranks welcome)

To apply for use of the Chapel please click here to fill out the Utilization Request form.

Chaplain Corps
Vision Statement:
"Devoted to God and Country, we unite to deliver innovative, life transforming service throughout and beyond the Sea Services."

A Few Good Words 2004

It's Your Birthday (14 October 04)

Eureka! (7 October 04)

The Master Packer (30 September 04)

Lace Umbrellas (23 September 04)

Heart of the Matter (16 September 04)

Sorry About That (9 September 04)

Give It a Rest (2 September 04)

Picking Movies (26 August 04)

In for the Long Haul (19 August 04)

Situational Awareness (12 August 04)

I’m Contagious (5 August 04)

Foxhole Religion (29 July 04)

Master Building Plan (22 July 04)

A Matter of Trust (15 July 04)

I’m Tired (8 July 04)

A High Price to Pay (1 July 04)

The Right Bait (24 June 04)

Eye of the Beholder  (17 June 04)

I Shouldn't Have Waited  (10 June 04)

In Memoriam (3 Jun 04)

Didn’t Stay Home (27 May 04)

Armored Vehicles (15 Apr 04)

Takes One to Know One (8 Apr 04)

I’m Defective (1 Apr 04)

Phone Calls

Remember to Breathe

New Seasons

Turning Up the Radio

Sea Stories

Friendly Fire

Driving Force

I Don’t Deserve This

It’s a Miracle

That’s Not What I Said

Sleepless Nights

 Wallpaper Hanging

A Ringer on the Team

Day of Prayer

Hearing Conservation

Contact Relief




A Few Good Words 2003 Archive

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