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  Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany GA

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Blount Island Cmd

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Link to Online Ordering for Enlisted Marine Corps Uniforms

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Public Affairs Office

The Emblem Logo

The following articles were published in the Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany newspaper, The Emblem. To read the articles, please click on the underlined article title.

  Now you can view the full weekly edition of The Emblem online.  Click "The Emblem" at the left of each week's date.  The publication is presented as an Adobe Acrobat file.

For past Emblem articles, visit our new Emblem Archives Searchable Database where you can search for articles by year, month, keyword or any combination of the three.

Week of October 7, 2004
BICmd inspection team returns from Norway
Half marathon debuts in Jacksonville
Marine Band brings music to Canadians

Week of September 30, 2004
Daddy Don't Play
MCLB Albany accommodates Pensacola Marines

Email MCLB Albany Public Affairs Office.


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