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  Marine Corps Logistics Command

USMC Logistics Command, Albany GA

Commanding General's Statement On Equal Opportunity

Marine Corps Logistics Command will continue implementing Equal Opportunity in every facet of the organization while focusing on the materiel readiness of the Marine Corps. We will foster an atmosphere that values diversity and supports mutual respect and cooperation. The Marine Corps policy on Equal Opportunity is clear: the Marine Corps will provide Equal Opportunity for all members without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age or national origin, consistent with the law and regulations and the requirements for physical and mental abilities.
Gen Wingard
My message on this subject is also clear. Discrimination and sexual harassment demean the dignity and worth of all people, and will not be tolerated. Deviation from fair and equal treatment of any member of our workforce is unacceptable, and inconsistent with our Core Values: Honor, Courage and Commitment.

I task every member of this Command to take emphatic and proactive actions for full implementation and attainment of Equal Opportunity. I also hold the chain of command and every person in leadership positions accountable for obtaining and utilizing the necessary tools to identify, eliminate, correct or prevent adverse discriminatory practices, to include sexual harassment. These tools include applicable training and education, and knowledge/expertise available through the Command Equal Opportunity Advisor as well as the Deputy EEO Officer. This process will help maintain our personnel readiness, which has a tremendous impact on our mission readiness.

I am fully committed to the principle that all people are to be treated fairly, with individual dignity and mutual respect. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed have the responsibility to inform the chain of command and/or use the EO complaint process. Reprisals to such complaints will not be tolerated under any circumstances and, equally, false allegations will be handled in the appropriate manner. People are our most precious asset and we will protect them by fair, scrupulous and unbiased treatment.


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