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SAIN resources about Air Quality

These are resources in the NBII catalog relating to air quality

There are 280 resources available.

1. Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Subject: State government agencies, Environmental quality, Quality, Environmental monitoring, Quality control, Air quality, Air pollution, Air purification, Water quality, Water, Water analysis, Water conservation, Water management, Water pollution
Description: Information about permits, regulations, events as well as public notices and hearings.
Publisher: Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Resource Type: Announcements and News Releases, Laws and Regulations, Organizations and Agencies
Resource Format: DOC, PDF, URL, XLS, ZIP
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Alabama
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

2. Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Peter J. Bryant
Subject: Biodiversity, Natural resources, Conservation, Nature conservation, Resource conservation, Species, Indigenous species, Indigenous animals, Indigenous plants, Indigenous populations, Nature Conservation, Candidate species, Endangered species, Protected species, Rare species, Species of special concern, Threatened species, Extinct species, Wildlife conservation, Wildlife management, Invasive species, Invasive animals, Invasive plants, Introduced species, Ecosystems, Ecosystem analysis, Ecosystem dynamics, Ecosystem management, Ecosystem structure, Systems ecology, Forestry, Forest protection, Forest conservation, Deforestation, Forest deterioration, Environmental quality, Quality, Environmental monitoring, Quality control, Air pollution, Water pollution, Education, Environmental Education, Environmental awareness
Uncontrolled Keywords: Species Conservation, Teacher resources
Description: This “hypertext book” is a companion to a biology course at the University of California, Irvine. It gives a general introdun to biological conservation and various issues associated with conservation throughout the whole of North America. Extinction, introduced and exotic species, deforestation, pollution, protected habitats, fishing and whaling, biodiversity patterns and more are among the topics discussed.
Publisher: University of California, Irvine
Resource Type: Datasets and Statistics, Fact Sheets, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview, Management Plans, Site Conservation Plans
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

3. Center for Forested Wetlands Research
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: Center for Forested Wetlands Research
Subject: Ecosystems, Ecosystem analysis, Ecosystem dynamics, Ecosystem management, Ecosystem structure, Systems ecology, Environmental quality, Quality, Environmental monitoring, Terrestrial ecosystems, Forests, Forest biomass, Forest conservation, Forest deterioration, Forest productivity, Forest resources, Forestry, Trees, Woody plants, Quality control, Air quality, Air quality, Air pollution, Air purification, Air quality standards, Water quality, Water, Water analysis, Water conservation, Water management, Water pollution, Water purification, Water quality control, Water quality measurement, Water resources, Water quality standards, Government Agencies
Uncontrolled Keywords: Federal government, Federal agencies
Description: The Center for Forested Wetlands Research, located in Charleston, SC, is part of the Southern Research Station of the USDA Forest Service. This website describes the work being done by the Center for Forested Wetlands Research to measure and monitor wetland ecosystems, to understand wetland ecosystem structure, function, and processes, and ensure that these wetlands are conserved and maintained at sustainable productivity levels. This center focuses its research primarily on bottomland/riparian wetland forests of South Carolina, and does extensive work with Carolina bay environments.
Publisher: USDA Forest Service
Resource Type: Bibliographies, Datasets and Statistics, Graphics and Images, Issue Overview, Management Plans, Organizations and Agencies, Site Conservation Plans
Resource Format: URL
Language: English
Hemisphere: Northern Hemisphere
Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: South Carolina
Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

4. CleanAirSouth
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: CleanAirSouth
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air Quality , Education , Terrestrial , News , Terrestrial , Collection , Organizations and Associations
Description: Clean Air South is a regional campaign of Clear the Air: The National Campaign Against Dirty Power. The site contains information specifically about the air quality in Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia. It provides information about power including sources, costs, effects, and solutions. It provides interactive maps, contains current articles on the subject of air pollution, and has fact sheets and reports on the subject.
Publisher: Clear the Air: The National Campaign Against Dirty
Resource Type: Publications
Resource Format: URL
Language: English

5. CMU Geography and Earth Science
Resource Identifier:
Cataloging Node: Southern Appalachian Information Node
Creator: CMU Georgraphy and Earth Science
Uncontrolled Keywords: Education , Terrestrial , Air Quality , Aquatic , Herbarium , Terrestrial , Threatened and Endangered , Water Quality , Collection - Gateways and Portals , Collection , Academic
Description: This page provides resources for Earth Science and Geography Instruction. The links provided on this page are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class.It contains various types of geological and biological information including air and water quality, endangered species, and information on native species. The database is updated on a continuous basis, with information both current and historical. There is no cost for accessing the database.
Publisher: Central Michigan University
Resource Type: Publications
Resource Format: URL
Language: English

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