36 CFR Part 404

Revision of the Freedom of Information Act Regulations
Implementation of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments

AGENCY: American Battle Monuments Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: The American Battle Monuments Commission has revised its regulations for responding to public requests for access to records or information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These regulations update and amplify the Commission's current regulations.

DATES: Effective February 26, 2003.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Thomas R. Sole, Freedom of Information Officer, American Battle Monuments Commission or Ms. Martha Sell, Freedom of Information Act Representative, Courthouse Plaza II, Suite 500, 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22202 or by telephone at 703-696-6897.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule replaces 36 CFR Parts 404 and 405. It updates Commission addresses, organizational information, and fee schedule and explicitly incorporates electronic format information as within the scope of covered information consistent with the Electronic Freedom of Information Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-231).

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