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SW and WQ Models Information Clearinghouse
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What's New in the SMIC

This page should help you keep track of what is new in the Models Information Clearinghouse. This is not an exhaustive list of changes, but it covers the most notable.

The SMIC pages are ready to be made open to the public. The following changes have been made since the last entry: The database has 29 models and some 70 project abstracts in it at this time .

The SMIC pages are ready to be linked with the SMIG pages. The following changes have been made since the last entry: The database has 27 models and some 50 project abstracts in it at this time.

The SMIC pages are ready for review. The following capabilities have been implemented: The database has 7 models in it at this time, with many more to come.

SMIC Home | SMIC Primer | What's New | To Do List | Feedback | Bulletin Board | List of Models | Table of Models

Tamara Wood, Clearinghouse coordinator <tmwood@usgs.gov>
U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified Monday - Dec 22, 2003 at 14:08:22 EST
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