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Updated 12 October, 2003
Atmospheric Composition
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Atmospheric Composition


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For long term plans, see Atmospheric Composition chapter of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site.

CloudsCCSP-supported research focuses on how the composition of the global atmosphere is altered by human activities and natural phenomena, and how such changes influence climate, ozone, ultraviolet radiation, pollutant exposure, ecosystems, and human health. Specific objectives address processes affecting the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer from reduced ozone levels observed in recent decades; the properties and distributions of greenhouse gases and aerosols; long-range transport of pollutants and implications for regional air quality; and integrated assessments of the effects of these changes. Atmospheric composition issues involving interactions with climate variability and change—such as interactions between the climate system and stratospheric water vapor and ozone, or the potential effects of global climate change on regional air quality—are of particular interest at present.


Strategic Research Questions

3.1.  What are the climate-relevant chemical, microphysical, and optical properties, and spatial and temporal distributions, of human-caused and naturally occurring aerosols?

3.2.  What are the atmospheric sources and sinks of the greenhouse gases other than CO2 and the implications for the Earth’s energy balance?

3.3.  What are the effects of regional pollution on the global atmosphere and the effects of global climate and chemical change on regional air quality and atmospheric chemical inputs to ecosystems?

3.4.  What are the characteristics of the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer in response to declining abundances of ozone-depleting gases and increasing abundances of greenhouse gases?

3.5.  What are the couplings and feedback mechanisms among climate change, air pollution, and ozone layer depletion, and their relationship to the health of humans and ecosystems?

See Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, Chapter 3, for detailed discussion of these research questions.

The composition of the atmosphere—its gases and particles—plays a critical role in connecting human welfare with global and regional changes because the atmosphere links all of the principal components of the Earth system. The atmosphere interacts with the oceans, land, terrestrial and marine plants and animals, and the cryosphere (regions of ice and snow). Because of these linkages, the atmosphere is a conduit of change.

Emissions from natural sources and human activities enter the atmosphere at the surface and are transported to other geographical locations and often higher altitudes. Some emissions undergo chemical transformation or removal while in the atmosphere or interact with cloud formation and precipitation. Some natural events and human activities that change atmospheric composition also change the Earth's radiative (energy) balance. Subsequent responses to changes in atmospheric composition by the stratospheric ozone layer, the climate system, and regional chemical composition (air quality), create multiple environmental effects that can influence human health and natural systems.

Changes in atmospheric composition are indicators of many potential environmental issues. Observations of trends in atmospheric composition are among the earliest harbingers of global changes. For example, the decline of the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances, such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), has been the first measure of the effectiveness of international agreements to end production and use of these compounds.

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A principal feature of the atmosphere is that it acts as a long-term “reservoir” for certain trace gases that can cause global changes. The long removal times of some gases, such as CO2 (more than 100 years) and perfluorocarbons (more than 1,000 years), imply that any associated global changes could persist over decades, centuries, and millennia—affecting all countries and populations.

The overall research approach for understanding the role of atmospheric composition is an integrated application of long-term systematic observations, laboratory and field studies, and modeling, with periodic assessments of understanding and significance to decisionmaking. Most of the activities related to atmospheric composition research are part of national and international partnerships. Such partnerships are necessitated by the breadth and complexity of current issues and because the atmosphere links all nations. Current research on atmospheric composition is based on the substantial body of knowledge and understanding available from the work of many scientists.


See also:

Atmospheric Composition [also available: PDF Version].  Chapter 3 from the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (July 2003).

Atmospheric Composition.  Presentation from Breakout Session 3 of the US Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders, 3-5 December 2002, Washington, DC. 

Climate Variability -- Atmospheric Composition -- Water Cycle.  Presentation from Breakout Session 19 of the US Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders, 3-5 December 2002, Washington, DC. 


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