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Updated 17 August, 2004

Research Focus Areas



Program Elements

Atmospheric Composition


Global Carbon Cycle

Land Use / Land Cover Change

Human Contributions & Responses

Climate Variability and Change

Water Cycle

USGCRP Recent Accomplishments

Agencies participating in the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) coordinate scientific research through a set of seven linked interdisciplinary research elements, which together support scientific research across a wide range of interconnected issues of climate and global change. These research elements pertain to major components of the Earth’s environmental and human systems, which are undergoing changes caused by a variety of natural and human-induced causes. The CCSP Strategic Plan (Chapters 3-9) contains a more detailed discussion of the research elements and the set of strategic research questions associated with each element. This report will focus primarily on highlights of recent research and program plans for FY 2004 and FY 2005. The research elements include:


Atmospheric Composition

CCSP-supported research focuses on how the composition of the global atmosphere is altered by human activities and natural phenomena, and how such changes influence climate, ozone, ultraviolet radiation, pollutant exposure, ecosystems, and human health. Specific objectives address processes affecting the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer from reduced ozone levels observed in recent decades; the properties and distributions of greenhouse gases and aerosols; long-range transport of pollutants and implications for regional air quality; and integrated assessments of the effects of these changes. Atmospheric composition issues involving interactions with climate variability and change—such as interactions between the climate system and stratospheric water vapor and ozone, or the potential effects of global climate change on regional air quality—are of particular interest at present.

Satellite-view of hurricane

Climate Variability and Change

CCSP-supported research on climate variability and change focuses on how climate elements that are particularly important to human and natural systems—especially temperature, precipitation, clouds, winds, and storminess—are affected by changes in the Earth system. Specific objectives include improved predictions of seasonal to decadal climate variations (such as predictions of El Niño and La Niña events); improved detection, attribution, and projections of longer-term changes in climate; the potential for changes in extreme events at regional to local scales; the possibility of abrupt climate change; and development of approaches (including characterization of uncertainty) to inform national dialogue and support public and private sector decisionmaking.

  • Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate.   As of October 2000, this category is mostly covered under the broad  "Climate Variability and Change" research element.  However categorized on this web site, paleoenvironment and paleoclimate continues to be an important element of global change research and  is essential to our understanding not only of the past but of future climate change.

Snow-covered mountains

Global Water Cycle

CCSP-supported research on the global water cycle focuses on how natural processes and human activities influence the distribution and quality of water within the Earth system, whether changes are predictable, and on the effects of variability and change in the water cycle on human systems. Specific areas include: identifying trends in the intensity of the water cycle and determining the causes of these changes (including feedback effects of clouds on the global water and energy budgets as well as the global climate system); predicting precipitation and evaporation on timescales of months to years and longer; and modeling physical/biological and socioeconomic processes to facilitate efficient water resources management.

Land-Use / Land-Cover Change

CCSP-supported research on land-use and land-cover change will focus on: (1) the processes that determine the temporal and spatial distributions of land cover and land use at local, regional, and global scales, and how and how well land use and land cover can be projected over time scales of 5-50 years; and (2) how changes in land use, management, and cover may affect local, regional, and global environmental and socioeconomic conditions, including economic welfare and human health, taking into consideration socioeconomic factors and potential technological change. Specific foci will identify and quantify the human drivers of land-use and land-cover change; improve monitoring, measuring, and mapping of land use and land cover, and the management of these data; and develop projections of land-cover and land-use change under various scenarios of climate, demographic, economic, and technological trends.


Global Carbon Cycle

CCSP-supported research on the global carbon cycle focuses on identifying the size, variability, and potential future changes to reservoirs and fluxes of carbon within the Earth system; and providing the scientific underpinning for evaluating options to manage carbon sources and sinks. Specific programs and projects focus on North American and oceanic carbon sources and sinks; the impact of land-use change and resource management practices on carbon sources and sinks; projecting future atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and changes in land-based and marine carbon sinks; and the global distribution of carbon sources and sinks and how they are changing.



CCSP-supported research on ecosystems focuses on: (1) how natural and human-induced environmental changes interact to affect the structure and functioning of ecosystems (and the goods and services they provide) at a range of spatial and temporal scales, including those ecosystem processes that in turn influence regional and global environmental changes; and (2) what options society may have to ensure that desirable ecosystem goods and services will be sustained, or enhanced, in the context of still uncertain regional and global environmental changes. Among the specific focus areas are the cycling of nutrients such as nitrogen and how these nutrients interact with the carbon cycle; key processes that link ecosystems with climate; and options for managing agricultural lands, forests, and other ecosystems to sustain goods and services essential to societies.

City skyline

Human Contributions and Responses

CCSP-supported research on human contributions and responses to global change focuses on the interactions of changes in the global environment and human activities. The current focus of this research is on the potential effects of climate variability and change on human health and welfare; human influences on the climate system, land use, and other global environmental changes; analyses of societal vulnerability and resilience to global environmental change; decisionmaking under conditions of significant complexity and uncertainty; and integrated assessment methods.

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