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TA Summaries

Support Services

This section presents TA Summaries on TANF support services such as child care, financial incentives, education, transportation, and health. If you would like to request technical assistance on any of the issues areas identified below, please submit a TA Request.

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General Topic

  • Chicago Child-Parent Centers Site Visit, April 2003

    Short Summary [118 KB]

Child Care

TA events regarding this issue have not been requested.

Child Support

TA events regarding this issue have not been requested.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

  • EITC Moderated Online Forum, March 2004

    On March 2, 2004 the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network hosted its first moderated Online Forum as part of the Child-only Learning Community. Representatives from 8 States logged onto this moderated discussion to engage with Federal resource personnel around the value of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in supporting low-income and TANF families.

    Final Report [159 KB]


TA events regarding this issue have not been requested.

Food and Nutrition

  • Site Visit: Using Technology to Improve Administration of the TANF Program, April 2004

    On April 7-8, 2004 the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network provided support resources for two members of the Michigan Family Independence Agency (FIA) to attend the USDA Food and Nutrition Service meeting entitled "Using Technology to Improve Administration of the Food Stamp Program" in Olympia, Washington. Please reference the below link to read the final report.

    Final Report [121 KB]


Housing/Economic Development

  • Grandparent Housing Facilities Site Visit, October 2003

    Short Summary [133 KB]

Individual Development Accounts

  • Individual Development Account Programming, Policies, and Resources: A Joint DOL and HHS Workshop, February 2002

    The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network coordinated this workshop in conjunction with the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Division. The purpose of this two-day workshop was to assemble a collection of varying levels of expertise from all over the nation among the Individual Development Account (IDA) field to promote information sharing and fact finding. This workshop built on the successes of two previous IDA workshops that were hosted by the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network during this past year. The program for this workshop was similar to the other two workshops with the additional component of focusing on the flexibility available in using Welfare to Work funds for IDA programs.

    Download Summary [505 KB]

  • Establishing Individual Development Account Programs: Programming, Policies, and Resources, December 2000

    Download Summary [20 KB]

  • Establishing Individual Development Account Programs: Programming, Policies, and Resources, December 2000

    Download Summary [20 KB]

  • Welfare Reform and Housing--Asset Building and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), August 2000

    Download Summary [27 KB]

Kinship Care

  • Integration of Case Management for Multiple Services in El Paso County, Colorado, September 1999

    Download Summary [74 KB]


TA events regarding this issue have not been requested.


  • Northern Shenandoah Valley Public Mobility Program Site Visit, Front Royal, VA, June 2004

    The Welfare Peer Technical Assistance (TA) Network sponsored a 1-day site visit to Front Royal, Virginia on Thursday, June 17, 2004, to allow Occupational Enterprises, Inc (OEI) staff to study a successful rural transportation venture in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and incorporate lessons learned into the design of their unique approach to serving rural populations.

    Final Report [107 KB]

  • New Hampshire Transportation Coordination Meeting, April 2000

    Download Summary [64 KB]

  • Transportation Presentation: Arkansas Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) Coalition Conference, December 1998

    Download Summary [41 KB]

  • Texas Workforce Commission: TANF Transportation and Welfare Reform Workshop, November 1998

    Download Summary [59 KB]

  • Transportation Summit - Moving People from Welfare to Work Workshop, August 1998

    Download Summary [71 KB]

  • Transportation Challenges, Resources and Possible Solutions, July 1998

    Download Summary [61 KB]

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