4 Girls Health - You are the rhythm of the universe! Connect your mind, body and spirit.
Illness and Disability - Family Matters

Illness and Disability - Family Matters

Two sisters having a picnicDuring both good and bad times, your family can be your greatest source of strength and support. It is also normal to have times when you don’t get along with members of your family, or times when your parents disagree. If you talk openly with your family about the things that bother you, this will help them better know how you feel and what they can do to help you. And if you are upset because you think your parents are too overprotective, try to remember that they love you and are just worried about you. They are also trying to find ways to deal with their feelings.

It is important to remember that you and your parents are a team. Make sure you tell them how you are feeling and if you have any questions for the doctor. Together, you can get the answers you need.

Click on the links below for information on family matters:

Dealing as a family
Becoming independent
Getting along with your brothers and sisters

Return to the Illness and Disability Main Page

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Last updated May 2004

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