Quantum Physics Division

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Eric Cornell and Carl E. Wieman share* the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics

About the Quantum Physics Division
The Division, part of NIST's Physics Laboratory, participates in JILA, a cooperative enterprise between NIST and the University of Colorado (CU). The Division conducts long-term, cutting edge research in quantum physics and related areas in support of the Nation's science and technology.

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Research at JILA

* The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Eric A. Cornell of NIST / JILA; Wolfgang Ketterle of MIT; and Carl E. Wieman of CU / JILA.

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Research Areas
The Quantum Physics Division works on fundamental, highly accurate, measurements and theoretical analyses, using quantum physics, quantum optics, chemical physics, gravitational physics, and geophysical measurements. In particular, the Division:

- develops the laser as a precise measurement tool;

- determines fundamental constants and tests the fundamental postulates of physics;

- exploits Bose-Einstein condensation as well as quantum degenerate Fermi gases for metrology and low temperature physics;

- investigates new ways to direct and control atoms and molecules;

- characterizes chemical processes and their interactions with nanostructures;

- studies the interaction of ultrashort light pulses with matter; and

- measures nanometer scale motion of biological molecules.

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Online: March 1998
Last update: September 2004

Link to larger photo of Eric Cornell in laboratory
NIST Physicist Wins Nobel Prize!
Eric Cornell of NIST and Carl Wieman of the University of Colorado are winners of the 2001 Nobel Prize in physics along with Wolfgang Ketterle of MIT. They are recognized "for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates."
Deborah Jin in her laboratory at JILA
Physicist Deborah Jin Wins 2003 MacArthur Fellowship. Genius Grant is Worth $500,000. News Release

Dr. Jin's research.

Technical inquiries: James Faller
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Boulder, CO 80309-0440

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