Albuquerque-Santa Fe Federal Executive Board

2005 LDP Announcement | LDP Elements | 2005 LDP Nomination Form | 2004 LDP Participant Schedule |
Administrative Professionals Conference | Public Service Recognition Awards|
Shared Neutrals Program Guide | Shared Neutrals Program Forms |
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Albuquerque-Santa Fe FEB Home Page

500 Gold Ave.S.W., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
P.O. Box 156 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103small logo
(505) 248-6413 FAX: (505) 248-6414

Photos of New Mexico and its culture.A-SF Federal Executive Board


NM State Flag

Although each executive agency and its field organizations have a special mission, there are many matters on which the work of the departments converges. Among them are management and budgetary procedures, personnel policies, recruitment efforts, office information duties and similar matters. There are opportunities to pool experience and resources, and to accomplish savings. In substantive programs there are also opportunities for a more closely coordinated approach in many activities."    

                                                                                                               ---President John F. Kennedy, 1961

Federal Executive Board History

Federal Executive Boards (FEBs) were established by Presidential directive in 1961 to improve internal federal management practices and to provide a central focus for federal participation in civic affairs in major metropolitan centers of federal activity. Federal Executive Boards are composed of heads of all federal departmental and agency field offices located in the metropolitan area. A Chair and other officers are elected annually from among the membership to provide leadership to the Board's operation. Committees and Councils carry out interagency projects consistent with the Board's missions.

The Boards receive overall policy direction from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Federal Executive Boards serve as prime means for disseminating information within the federal government, for interagency training and for promoting discussion of federal policies and activities of importance to all federal executives in the field. The Boards also serve as channels of communication to Washington, D.C. on government-wide management issues requiring special attention. Federal Executive Boards have been designated by Presidential action for 28 metropolitan areas, which includes the Albuquerque-Santa Fe area. Website This website is designed to provide you with as much information as possible about the many programs, events and initiatives taking place in our Federal Executive Board. All federal agencies and installations are considered to be members of the Federal Executive Board.

A/SF Federal Executive Board
Geoffrey L. Haskett
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fish & Wildlife Service
500 Gold S.W. , Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 248-6283

E-Mail NM FEB Chair

A/SF Federal Executive Board
Executive Director
Michelle Rodriguez de Varela
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
P.O. Box 156 Albuquerque, NM 87103
(505) 842-6415

E-Mail NM FEB Executive Director

NM FEB Chair Geoffrey L. Haskett

Geoffry L. Haskett Biography

Geoffrey L. Haskett was the Assistant Regional Director for Refuges and W ildlife in th e South east Re gion of th e U.S. Fis h and Wildlife Service, in Atla nta, Georgia , from September 1994 to 1997. In this capacity, he was responsible for directing the Service's wildlife and realty activities for the N ational W ildlife Refuge S ystem in 10 South eastern State s, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and also served as Geographic Assistant Regional Director for the Region’s southeastern ecosystems.

Full Biography - Adobe PDF


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