NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Accounts and Allocations

Before you can use NERSC facilities, you need a user login (also known as a username). Each username belongs to one or more group accounts, known at NERSC as repositories (or repos). SP and HPSS repositories are allocated by the Department of Energy to support projects sponsored by the DOE Office of Science.

The Parallel Distributed Systems Facility (PSDF) has a separate resource allocation process. Time is not allocated on the NERSC visualization and math servers, but active NERSC users may request a server account.

Accounting and user information is available through the NERSC Information Management NIM web interface. SP account balances can also be obtained by using the getnim command on the SP. The allocations process and most account management functions have been incorporated into NIM.

All NERSC passwords can be obtained from the NERSC Account Support group by calling 1-800-66-NERSC, menu option 2 (or 510 486-8612).

Account Management

Policies & Procedures

Account Information Management

Usage Charging


Page last modified: May 18 2004 15:30:57.
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DOE Office of Science