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National Cyber Alert System
Mailing list instructions: Unsubscribing
To unsubscribe from any of the Cyber Alert System mailing lists, follow the specific instructions below.
Technical Cyber Security Alerts
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe technical-alerts. (Ensure that nothing else appears in the body of the message, not even a signature line.)
- will send you a confirmation request that contains a confirmation number in the subject line.
Reply to the request including the word accept in the body of the message; ensure the confirmation number appears somewhere in the subject line.
Cyber Security Bulletins
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe security-bulletins. (Ensure that nothing else appears in the body of the message, not even a signature line.)
- will send you a confirmation request that contains a confirmation number in the subject line.
Reply to the request including the word accept in the body of the message; ensure the confirmation number appears somewhere in the subject line.
Cyber Security Alerts
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe alerts. (Ensure that nothing else appears in the body of the message, not even a signature line.)
- will send you a confirmation request that contains a confirmation number in the subject line.
Reply to the request including the word accept in the body of the message; ensure the confirmation number appears somewhere in the subject line.
Cyber Security Tips
- To remove your name from the mailing list, send email to In the body of the message, type unsubscribe security-tips. (Ensure that nothing else appears in the body of the message, not even a signature line.)
- will send you a confirmation request that contains a confirmation number in the subject line.
Reply to the request including the word accept in the body of the message; ensure the confirmation number appears somewhere in the subject line.