The Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) requires Federal agencies to allow the option of submitting information or transacting business with an agency electronically. Agencies must implement this electronic
option by October 21, 2003.
GPEA is intended to help citizens gain one-stop access to existing Government information and services,
provide better, more efficient service, and increase Government accountability to citizens. The law
encourages Federal agencies to use a range of electronic alternatives. is one component
of this effort. It contains the forms needed for Government services most used by the public.
FedForms does not contain instructions or program descriptions. Visit the appropriate agency web site for information about the use of particular forms.
The Regulatory Information Service Center, which sponsors, is implementing the following
enhancements to make the site more useful and easier to use. We welcome your comments and suggestions
as we improve the site:
Agencies are adding forms to the database as they continue to identify forms needed for the public.
We will develop additional search features that will identify and organize information by types of services so that it will be easier for you to find the information you need.
By October 2003, where appropriate, many forms will provide for online processing of transactions.