Exchange File Format

Table of Contents


1. Exchange File Overview


2. Record Format

2.1 Identification Code

2.1.1 General Data Category

2.1.2 General Data Record Type Various Contents (000-299) Reference System Definition Codes (300) 3D Positions (400) Distance and Elevation (500) Length and Width (600) 2D Positions (700) Value (Distance, Width, etc.) (800) Orthometric and Ellipsoidal Elevation (900)

2.2 Specific Data Records

2.2.1 Airport Specific Records Airport Identification (A000) Airport Name (A010) Airport Jurisdiction (A020) Airport Magnetic Declination (A030) Airport Status (A040) Datum Tie (A050) Airport Elevation (A060) Airport Reference System (A310) Airport Location Point (A710) Air Traffic Control Tower (A910)

2.2.2 Runway Specific Records Runway Identification (R000) Runway Width (R810) Runway Type (R010) Runway Flags (R02*) Runway End Position (R40*) Displaced Threshold - by position (R41*) Displaced Threshold - by distance (R51*) Stopway - by position (R72*) Stopway - by length (R62*) Blastpad - by position (R73*) Blastpad - by distance (R63*) Distance To Boundary - by position (R74*) Distance To Boundary - by distance (R84*) TDZE - output only (R92*) Profile Point Status (R090) Profile Point - by position (R490) Profile Point - by distance (R590)

2.2.3 Feature Specific Records Feature Identification (F000) Feature Status Record (F010) Feature Position (F410) Base Elevation (F020) Auxiliary Date (F030)

2.2.4 Miscellaneous Records Chart Reference System (C310) NGVD29 to NAVD88 Conversion Factor (C010)


3. Quick Reference Record Charts

Airport Records

A000 - Airport Identification Record

A010 - Airport Name

A020 - Airport Jurisdiction

A030 - Airport Magnetic Declination

A040 - Airport Status

A050 - Datum Tie

A060 - Airport Elevation

A310 - Airport Reference System

A710 - Airport Location Point

A910 - Air Traffic Control Tower

Runway Records

R000 - Runway Identification

R810 - Runway Width

R010 - Runway Type

R02* - Runway Flags

R40* - Runway End Position

R41* - Displaced Threshold - by position

R51* - Displaced Threshold - by distance

R72* - Stopway - by position

R62* - Stopway - by length

R73* - Blastpad - by position

R63* - Blastpad - by Distance

R74* - Distance to Boundary - by position

R84* - Distance to Boundary - by distance

R090 - Profile Point Status

R490 - Profile Point - by position

R590 - Profile Point - by distance

Runway Records

F000 - Feature Identification

F010 - Feature Status

F410 - Feature Position

F020 - Base Elevation

F030 - Auxiliary Date

Miscellaneous Records

C310 - Airport Reference System

C010 - NGVD29 to NAVD88 Conversion Factor


Appendix A. Special Codes

Existence Flags

Accuracy Codes

Horizontal Datum Tie Codes

Ellipsoidal Datum Tie Codes

Orthometric Datum Tie Code

Attribute Code 1

Attribute Code 2 (Control/Plotting Symbology)

Attribute Code 3 (Navigational Aids)

Attribute Code 4 (Not currently used)

Primary Condition Codes (refer to the ‘405' for specifics)

Secondary Condition Codes (refer to the ‘405' for specifics)

1. Exchange File Overview

The Exchange File Format is a users guide for preparing and submitting data for storage in the National Geodetic Survey Obstruction Chart Database (OCDB). It provides in detail the format and structure of every field allowable by the OCDB. Also included are dependencies, field widths, record order requirements and field choice lists.

For questions regarding the Exchange File Format please contact:

Michael Keltz

phone: (301) 713-1428 ext. 171


For errors or questions regarding this document please contact:

Frank Mowry

phone: (301) 713-3260 ext. 157


2. Record Format


The following sections describe all the possible records found in an Exchange File. These sections are broken down by record and then by field. Each field is further broken down by: description, position, range, format, and example. All records have the same basic structure. All records contain at most 112 characters. They consist of a variable number of fields. Each field has a corresponding existence code. The existence flags and their positions are defined in Appendix A. The field format contains a special symbol defined below.

                                           A                         Alphabetic capital or lowercase characters only (A-Z)

                                           9                          Numeric and sign only (0-9, +, -, .)

                                           X                         Alphanumeric, sign and decimal point

Note: All numeric values are in feet unless otherwise specified.

2.1 Identification Code

Each record begins with a four character identification code. This code is broken down into two parts, the single alpha character General Data Category and the three digit numeric General Data Record Type.

2.1.1 General Data Category

The first character in column 1 is the general data category. All records for a given data category must be provided before the next category begins. There are four valid data category codes:

                                           A                         Airport Data

                                           R                         Runway Data

                                           F                          Feature Data

                                           C                         Chart Information

Explanations of these categories will be given in further detail under the appropriate section for each category.


2.1.2 General Data Record Type

Characters 2-4 represent an integer value representing the data record for each category. If the first digit is a 3 through 9, the record is a standard series record. Otherwise it is a special format record. The following list contains the integer value range and the corresponding contents of the record:

                                           000-299               Various Contents

                                           300                      Reference System Definition Codes

                                           400                      3D Positions With Date And Source

                                           500                      Distance And Elevation With Date And Source

                                           600                      Length And Width With Date And Source

                                           700                      2D Positions Without Date And Source

                                           800                      Value (Distance, Width, etc.) With Date And Source 

                                           900                      Orthometric and Ellipsoidal Elevation With Date And Source

These data records are broken down into specific fields in sections through Various Contents (000-299) Reference System Definition Codes (300)

Field 1: Reference System Code

              Description: Reference system in which the positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 5-9

              Range: None, value is always 0 (zero)

              Format: 99999

              Example: 0

Field 2: Zone Code

              Description: Zone for the reference system

              Position: Columns 10-14

              Range: None, value is always 0 (zero)

              Format: 99999

              Example: 0

Field 3: Horizontal Unit Code

              Description: Units in which positions are expressed.

              Position: Columns 15-19

              Range: Currently only:

                            5            DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)

              Note:     Additional codes will be added in the future only if modifications to the OC Database allow for

                            positions in units other than DMS.

              Format: 99999

              Example: 5

Field 4: Horizontal Datum Code

              Description: Year of datum in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 20-24

              Range: Year of Datum, 27 or 83

              Format: 99999

              Example: 27

Field 5: Vertical Unit Code

              Description: Units in which elevations and distances are expressed

              Position: Columns 25-29

              Range: Currently only:

                            1            feet

              Note:     Additional unit codes will be added at some point in the future only if modifications to the OC Database allow for elevations and distances in units other than feet

              Format: 99999

              Example: 1

Field 6: Vertical Datum Code

              Description: Year of datum in which elevations are expressed

              Position: Columns 30-34

              Range: Year of Datum, 29 or 88

              Format: 99999

              Example: 29 3D Positions (400)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude where sign represents hemisphere

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                            -180 < DDD < + 180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1235832.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude where sign represents hemisphere

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000, values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315

Field 3: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 4: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289


Field 5: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Source Code, Position

              Description: Specifies the source of position

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 8: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Distance and Elevation (500)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from an endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 72149.968

Field 2: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 12138.325

Field 3: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 9999999999.9999

              Example: 14325.424

Field 4: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: D

Field 7: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Length and Width (600)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from runway endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 1244.945

Field 2: Width

              Description: Width (real) of runway

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 324.376

Field 3: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F


Field 6: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F 2D Positions (700)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude where sign represents hemisphere

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DDD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1751119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude where sign represents hemisphere

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315 Value (Distance, Width, etc.) (800)

Field 1: Value (Distance, etc.)

              Description: Distance, width or other miscellaneous real value

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 9999999999.9999

              Example: 1231.4433

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 3: Source Code, Value

              Description: Specifies the source of value

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Orthometric and Ellipsoidal Elevation (900)

Field 1: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 13245.786

Field 2: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 14456.556

Field 3: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: D

2.2 Specific Data Records

These records are specific to the three general data categories: Airport, Runway, and Feature. The first character represents which general category the record falls under. A - Airport, R - Runway, and F - Feature. Like the General Data Record Type, characters 2-4 represent an integer value representing the data record for each category. If the second character is a 3 through 9, the record is a standard series record.

2.2.1 Airport Specific Records

The following records contain information about the airport. Airport Identification (A000)

Note: This is the only record which is absolutely required for the exchange file.

Field 1: OC Number

              Description: National Geodetic Survey tracking number

              Position: Columns 5-10

              Range: 1 to 99999

              Format: 999999

              Example: 4367

              Dependancy: This record or the Airport ID is required

Field 2: OC Edition

              Description: Most current

              Position: Columns 11-16

              Range: 1 to 99999

              Format: 999999

              Example: 6

Field 3: Airport ID

              Description: Airport Identifier (refer to FAA ORDER 7350.**, AS AMENDED)

              Position: Columns 18-21

              Range: None

              Format: AAAA

              Example: TWS

              Dependancy: This record or the OC Number is required

Field 4: Site ID

              Description: FAA Identification number

              Position: Columns 23-32

              Range: None

              Format: XXXXXXXXXX

              Example: 045O8.A

Field 5: Previous Airport ID

              Description: The previous Airport Identifier (if applicable)

              Position: Columns 34-37

              Range: None

              Format: AAAA

              Example: CNW Airport Name (A010)

Field 1: Name

              Description: Name of Airport on Survey Date

              Position: Columns 6-75

              Range: None

              Format: (70)A

              Example: Baltimore Washington International Airport

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996 Airport Jurisdiction (A020)

Field 1: City

              Description: Associated City

              Position: Columns 6-45

              Range: None

              Format: (40)A

              Example: BALTIMORE

Field 2: State

              Description: Name or 2 character abbreviation of state in which airport is located

              Position: Columns 47-66

              Range: Valid state name as defined in “Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey”

              Format: (20)A

              Example: MD Airport Magnetic Declination (A030)

Field 1: Magnetic Declination

              Description: East Declination is indicated by negative

              Position: Columns 5-12

              Range: -180.0 to +180.0

              Format: 999999.9

              Example: -100.0

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 14-24

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996 Airport Status (A040)

Field 1: Vessel Code

              Description: Specifies existence of possible obstructing vessel OIS surfaces (refer FAA NO. 405)

              Position: Column 6

              Range: Y or N - Y, vessel note present, N, no vessel note present

              Format: A

              Example: Y

Field 2: Vessel Code Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that Vessel Code was verified

              Position: Columns 8-18

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 3: Survey Date

              Description: Date the field Survey was concluded

              Position: Columns 20-30

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Published Date

              Description: Publication date of Airport Obstruction Chart

              Position: Columns 32-42

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Date of ALP

              Description: Date of original ARP position

              Position: Columns 44-54

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Date of ARP

              Description: Most recent runway end Survey Date used in the ARP computation

              Position: Columns 56-66

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Airport Mode

              Description: Designates the functionality of the airport in relation to the production of various reports

              Position: Columns 68-71

              Range:   0            Open

                            1            Closed

                            3            Testing

                            5            No Obstructions

                            7            Discontinued

              Format: 9 

              Example: 1

 Field 8: Airport Survey Type

              Description: Specifies the type of survey conducted for the airport

              Position: Columns 73-76

              Range:   1            AOC (FAR-77)   - a conventional AOC (FAR 77) survey

                            2            ANA                    - an ANA survey

                            3            AOC & ANA      - a complete survey for AOC and ANA

              Format: 9 (right justified)

              Example: 1 Datum Tie (A050)

Field 1: Horizontal Datum Tie Code

              Description: Specifies the accuracy of the Horizontal Datum Tie relative to the National Spatial Reference                System (NSRS)

              Position: Columns 6-7

              Range: See Appendix A

              Format: AA

              Example: B

Field 2: Ellipsoidal Datum Tie Code

              Description: Specifies the accuracy of the Ellipsoidal Datum Tie relative to the National Spatial Reference                System (NSRS)

              Position: Columns 9-10

              Range: See Appendix A

              Format: AA

              Example: B

Field 3: Orthometric Datum Tie Code

              Description: Specifies the accuracy of the Orthometric Datum Tie relative to the National Spatial     Reference System (NSRS)

              Position: Columns 12-13

              Range: See Appendix A

              Format: AA

              Example: D

Field 4: Date of Horizontal Datum Tie

              Description: Most recent Survey Date the Horizontal Datum Tie was verified

              Position: Columns 15-25

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Date of Ellipsoidal Datum Tie

              Description: Most recent Survey Date the Ellipsoidal Datum Tie was verified

              Position: Columns 27-37

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Date of Orthometric Datum Tie

              Description: Most recent Survey Date the Orthometric Datum Tie was verified

              Position: Columns 39-49

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996 Airport Elevation (A060)

Field 1: Airport Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 213.887

Field 2: Geoid Height (at ALP)

              Description: The difference between the Ellipsoid and Orthometric elevation at the approximate center of

the runway. Intended for output to assist in field surveys. Ignored upon input.

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 134.578 Reported Elements Record (A070)

Field 1: Runways Reported Flag

              Description: Denotes whether or not the runway is to be reported, and if so, if it has been reported

              Position: Column 6

              Range:   2            runways are not to be reported

                            1            runways are to be reported

                            3            runways have been reported 

              Format: 9

              Example: 2

Field 2: Navaids Reported Flag

              Description: Denotes whether or not the runway is to be reported, and if so, if it has been reported

              Position: Column 8

              Range:   2            runways are not to be reported

                            1            runways are to be reported

                            3            runways have been reported 

              Format: 9

              Example: 2

Field 3: ASOS Reported Flag

              Description: Denotes whether or not the runway is to be reported, and if so, if it has been reported

              Position: Column 10

              Range:   2            runways are not to be reported

                            1            runways are to be reported

                            3            runways have been reported 

              Format: 9

              Example: 2

Field 4: Obstructions Reported Flag

              Description: Denotes whether or not the runway is to be reported, and if so, if it has been reported

              Position: Column 10

              Range:   2            runways are not to be reported

                            1            runways are to be reported

                            3            runways have been reported 

              Format: 9

              Example: 2

Field 5: Additional Flag

              Description: Units in which positions are expressed

              Position: Column 14

              Range: Reserved for future use

              Format: NA

              Example: NA

Field 6: Additional Flag - Reserved for future use

              Description: Year of datum in which positions are expressed

              Position: Column 16

              Range: Reserved for future use

              Format: NA

              Example: NA

Field 7: Additional Flag - Reserved for future use

              Description: Units in which elevations are expressed

              Position: Column 18

              Range: Reserved for future use

              Format: NA

              Example: NA

Field 8: Additional Flag - Reserved for future use

              Description: Year of datum in which elevations are expressed

              Position: Column 20

              Range: Reserved for future use

              Format: NA

              Example: NA Airport Reference System (A310)

Field 1: Reference System Code

              Description: Reference system in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 5-9

              Range: None, value is always 0 (zero)

              Format: 99999

              Example: 0

Field 2: Zone Code

              Description: Zone for the reference system

              Position: Columns 10-14

              Range: None, value is always 0

              Format: 99999

              Example: 0

Field 3: Horizontal Unit Code

              Description: Units in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 15-19

              Range: None, value is always 5

              Format: 99999

              Example: 5

Field 4: Horizontal Datum Code

              Description: Year of datum in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 20-24

              Range: Year of Datum, 27 or 83

              Format: 99999

              Example: 27

Field 5: Vertical Unit Code

              Description: Units in which elevations are expressed

              Position: Columns 25-29

              Range: None, value is always 1

              Format: 99999

              Example: 1

Field 6: Vertical Datum Code

              Description: Year of datum in which elevations are expressed

              Position: Columns 30-34

              Range: Year of Datum:

                             29          NGVD 29

                             88          NAVD 88

                             9001      Mean Sea Level

              Format: 99999

              Example: 29 Airport Location Point (A710)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1751119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315 Air Traffic Control Tower (A910)

Field 1: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 13434.977

Field 2: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 123.333

Field 3: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

2.2.2 Runway Specific Records

The following records contain information about a specific runway at the airport. Note that each record following the R000 record refers to that specific R000 record. If no R000 record is present, all runway records are invalid. Also any runway records preceding the R000 record are invalid. When the fourth character of the identification code is designated by an asterisk ‘*’ the valid values specify the end of the runway. The low numbered end of the runway is designated by a one ‘1' and the high numbered end of the runway is designated by a two ‘2'. Runway Identification (R000)

Field 1: Low End Identification Number

              Description: Identifies the low end of the runway, measured from 10 degrees to 180 degrees. Note that the

                            0 is dropped from the degree reading.

              Position: Columns 6-8

              Range:   1-18 followed by:

                            blank - only runway with this azimuth

                            L - left runway

                            R - right runway

                            C - center runway

              Format: 99A

              Example: 16R

Field 2: High End Identification Number

              Description: Identifies the high end of the runway, measured from 190 degrees to 360 degrees. Note that

                            the 0 is dropped from the degree reading.

              Position: Columns 9-11

              Range:   19-36 followed by:

                            blank - only runway with this azimuth

                            L - left runway

                            R - right runway

                            C - center runway

              Format: 99A

              Example: 34L Runway Width (R810)

Field 1: Width

              Description: Width (real) of runway

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 9999999999.9999

              Example: 156.4565

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 3: Source Code, Value

              Description: Specifies the source of value

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Runway Type (R010)

Field 1: Runway Type (Surface) Code

              Description: Material used in finish of runway

              Position: Column 6

              Range:   P - Paved

                            S - Specially prepared, unpaved

                            U - Unpaved (not a specially prepared hard surface)

              Format: A

              Example: P

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 8-18

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996 Runway Flags (R02*)

Field 1: Primary Condition

              Description: Primary Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) (refer to FAA NO. 405)

              Position: Columns 6-8

              Range:   NUL







              Format: AAA

              Example: ANP

Field 2: Supplementary Condition

              Description: Secondary Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) (refer to FAA NO. 405)

              Position: Columns 10-12

              Range:   NUL


              Format: AAA

              Example: SUP

Field 3: Runway Vessel Code

              Description: Specifies the existence of possible obstructing vessel OIS surfaces (refer to FAA NO. 405)

              Position: Columns 14

              Range:   - - None

                            A - Approach

                            D - Departure

                            B - Both

              Format: A

              Example: D

Field 4: Runway Vessel Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date the Runway Vessel Code was verified

              Position: Columns 16-26

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: ANA Flag Code

              Description: Specifies whether or not a runway end has an ANA approach and, if so, the type of ANA                             approach

              Position: Column 28

              Range:   0 - Not an ANA approach

                            1 - ANA category I approach

                            3 - ANA category II/III approach

              Format: 9

              Example: 1

Field 6: EOD Flag Code

              Description: Specifies whether or not a runway end has an EOD approach

              Position: Column 30

              Range:   0 - Not an EOD approach

                            1 - EOD approach

              Format: 9

              Example: 1

Field 7: AOC (FAR77) Flag Code

              Description: Specifies whether or not a runway end has an AOC (FAR77) approach

              Position: Column 32

              Range:   0 - Not an AOC (FAR77) approach

                            1 - AOC (FAR77) approach

              Format: 9

              Example: 1

Field 8: Profile Method Flag Code

              Description: Specifies the method used to collect runway profile information

              Position: Columns 34

              Range:   0 - Conventional profiling

                            1 - Kinematic GPS profiling

              Format: 9

              Example: 1 Runway End Position (R40*)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1751119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315

Field 3: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 4: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289

Field 5: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Source Code, Horizontal Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Horizontal Position

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: F

Field 8: Source Code, Vertical Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Vertical Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: F Displaced Threshold - by position (R41*)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -761119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315

Field 3: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 4: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289

Field 5: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Source Code, Horizontal Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Horizontal Position

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: F

Field 8: Source Code, Vertical Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Vertical Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: F Displaced Threshold - by distance (R51*)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 133.324

Field 2: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 3: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 356.765

Field 4: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 7: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Stopway - by position (R72*)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1751119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315 Stopway - by length (R62*)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 455.331

Field 2: Width

              Description: Width (real) of runway

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 74.332

Field 3: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of Distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 6: Source Code, Width

              Description: Specifies the source of Width

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Blastpad - by position (R73*)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1751119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315 Blastpad - by distance (R63*)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from end of runway

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 455.331

Field 2: Width

              Description: Width (real) of runway

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 74.332

Field 3: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 4: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of Distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 6: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Distance To Boundary - by position (R74*)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1761119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                             -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315 Distance To Boundary - by distance (R84*)

Field 1: Value (Distance, etc.)

              Description: Distance (real) to boundary from endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 9999999999.9999

              Example: 325.3443

Field 2: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 3: Source Code, Value

              Description: Specifies the source of value

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F TDZE - output only (R92*) Profile Point Status (R090)

Field 1: Runway Identification Number From Which Distance Is Measured

              Description: Runway azimuth varies from 10 to 360 degrees. Note that the trailing zero (0) is dropped

                            from the identification number

              Position: Columns 6-8

              Range:   1-36 followed by:

                            blank - only runway with this azimuth

                            L - left runway

                            R - right runway

                            C - center runway

                            Note: Must match field 1 or field 2 of R000 record

              Format: 99A

              Example: 18

Field 2: Profile Point Type Code

              Description: Software generated type code (can be left blank)

              Position: Column 10

              Range: Software Generated (can be left blank)

              Format: A

              Example: X Profile Point - by position (R490)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                            -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1761119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                            -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315

Field 3: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 4: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289

Field 5: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Source Code, Horizontal Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Horizontal Position

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 8: Source Code, Vertical Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Vertical Position

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Profile Point - by distance (R590)

Field 1: Distance

              Description: Distance (real) from endpoint

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 121.332

Field 2: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 485.332

Field 3: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 384.322

Field 4: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 5: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Source Code, Distance

              Description: Specifies the source of Distance

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 7: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

2.2.3 Feature Specific Records

The following records are special feature records. Feature Identification (F000)

Field 1: Sequential Point Number

              Description: Number indicating the alphabetical order if the features were listed

              Position: Columns 6-9

              Range: 1 to X where X is the total number of features

              Format: 9999

              Example: 1

Field 2: Feature Description

              Description: Description of feature (refer to FAA NO. 405 for allowed abbreviations)

              Position: Columns 11-50

              Range: None

              Format: (40)X

              Example: TREE Feature Status Record (F010)

Field 1: Feature Status Flag

              Description: Specifies whether or not a feature is to be considered as a possible obstruction

              Position: Columns 6

              Range:   0 - Active - point is completely active and to be considered for all surfaces

                            1 - Disabled (Completely) - the point still exists but should not be considered for any surfaces

due to clutter or other reasons; will be deleted from the database when the next edition is created

2 - Inactive - the point still exists but only for historical or informational purposes; is not considered for any surfaces

                            3 - Deleted - the point no longer physically exists and will not be considered for any surfaces; will

                                           be deleted from the database when the next edition is created

4 - Disabled for AOC only - the point should be considered for all surfaces except for AOC surfaces

                            6 - Disabled for ANA only - the point should be considered for all surfaces except for ANA


              Format: 9

              Example: 1

Field 2: Accuracy Code

              Description: Specifies the accuracy standard (refer to FAA NO. 405)

              Position: Columns 8-10

              Range: None

              Format: 99X

              Example: 1A

Field 3: Attribute Code 1

              Description: Not currently used. However to conform to previous usage, the field should be filled with the

                                   value ‘S’

              Position: Columns 12

              Range: See appendix A

              Format: A

              Example: S

Field 4: Attribute Code 2

              Description: Designates special points for plotting purposes

              Position: Columns 14

              Range: See appendix A

              Format: A

              Example: T

Field 5: Attribute Code 3

              Description: Specifies whether or not the feature is a navigational aids and, if so, what kind

              Position: Columns 16

              Range: See appendix A

              Format: A and some special characters, see appendix A

              Example: W

Field 6: Attribute Code 4

              Description: Not currently used

              Position: Columns 18

              Range: This code is not currently used

              Format: blank

              Example: blank

Field 7: Feature Survey Type

              Description: Specifies the type of survey for which the feature was surveyed

              Position: Columns 20-23

              Range:   1 - AOC - a conventional AOC (FAR 77) survey

                            2 - ANA - an ANA survey

                            3 - AOC & ANA - a complete survey for AOC and ANA

                            4 - NONE - surveyed previously for survey of current type but not re-surveyed in most recent


              Format: 9 (right justified, blank padded)

              Example: 1 Feature Position (F410)

Field 1: Longitude

              Description: Longitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 5-19

              Range: -1800000 to +1800000, values west represented as negative

              Format: DDDMMSS.SSSS where

                            -180 < DD < +180

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: -1761119.1281

Field 2: Latitude

              Description: Latitude with hemisphere represented by sign

              Position: Columns 20-34

              Range: -900000 to +900000 values south represented as negative

              Format: DDMMSS.SSSS where

                            -90 < DD < +90

                            0 <= MM <= 59

                            0 <= SS <= 59

              Example: 245328.7315

Field 3: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 4: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289

Field 5: Determined Date

              Description: Survey Date that data in this record was determined

              Position: Columns 66-76

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 6: Verified Date

              Description: Most recent Survey Date that data in this record was verified

              Position: Columns 78-88

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

Field 7: Source Code, Horizontal Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Horizontal Position

              Position: Column 90

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F

Field 8: Source Code, Vertical Position

              Description: Specifies the source of Vertical Position

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Base Elevation (F020)

Field 1: Elevation, Orthometric

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 35-49

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 469.845

Field 2: Elevation, Ellipsoidal

              Description: Refer to the FAA NO. 405

              Position: Columns 50-64

              Range: None

              Format: 99999999999.999

              Example: 382.289

Field 3: Source Code, Elevation

              Description: Specifies the source of Elevation

              Position: Column 92

              Range:   F - field

                            O - office

                            D - digitizer

                            A - analytical plotter

              Format: A

              Example: F Auxiliary Date (F030)

Field 1: Auxiliary Date

              Description: Extra date field left over from previous definition of dates. Only used internally.

              Position: Columns 6-16

              Range: None

              Format: dd-mmm-yyyy where

                            dd          - 2 character integer day

                            mmm     - First 3 alpha characters of the month

                            yyyy      - 4 character integer year

              Example: 18-DEC-1996

2.2.4 Miscellaneous Records

The following records contain miscellaneous information.. Chart Reference System (C310)

Field 1: Reference System Code

              Description: Reference system in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 5-9

              Range:   1 - UTM

                            2 - State Plane

              Format: 9 (right justified, blank padded)

              Example: 1

Field 2: Zone Code

              Description: Zone for the reference system

              Position: Columns 10-14

              Range: UTM or State Plane zone code

              Format: XXXXX


Field 3: Horizontal Unit Code

              Description: Units in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 15-19

              Range: None, value is always 1

              Format: 9 (right justified, blank padded)

              Example: 1

Field 4: Horizontal Datum Code

              Description: Specifies year of Datum

              Position: Columns 20-24

              Range: Year of Datum, 27 or 83

              Format: 99 (right justified, blank padded)

              Example: 83

Field 5: Vertical Unit Code

              Description: Units in which positions are expressed

              Position: Columns 25-29

              Range: None, value is always 1

              Format: 9 (right justified, blank padded)

              Example: 1

Field 6: Vertical Datum Code

              Description: Specifies year of Datum

              Position: Columns 30-34

              Range: Year of Datum:

                            29          NGVD 29

                            88          NAVD 88

                            9001      Mean Sea Level

              Format: 99999

              Example: 88 NGVD29 to NAVD88 Conversion Adjustment (C010)

Field 1: Conversion Adjustment

              Description: Added to NGVD29 data to convert to NAVD88 data

              Position: Columns 6-12

              Range: None

              Format: 9999.99

              Example: 469.84

3. Quick Reference Record Charts

The following charts show each specific record broken down by character. The top line indicates the character position. The middle line shows a box for each character. The third line gives the field name. Note that blank spaces are designated by a . Large fields will be designated in the second and third lines with ‘...’ to show many characters. For example, a field with from column 20 to column 45 will be represented in line 1 as 20 ... 45 and in line 2 the boxes will be represented by ☐ ... ☐. For the ease of the diagram, blank spaces between the Existence Flags are implied.

Airport Records

A000 - Airport Identification Record

 1 4 5 10 11 16 17 18 21 22 23 32 33 34 37 38 93 94 98 100 102

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code OC Number OC Edition Airport ID Site ID Prev. Existence Flags

                                                                                                                                                  Airport ID

A010 - Airport Name

 1 4 5 6 75 76 77 78 88 89 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Name Verified Date Existence Flags

A020 - Airport Jurisdiction

1 4 5 6 45 46 47 66 89 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code City State Existence Flags

A030 - Airport Magnetic Declination

 1 4 5 12 13 14 24 25 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Magnetic Declin. Verified Date Existence Flags

A040 - Airport Status

 1 4 5 6 7 8 18 19 20 30 31 32 42 43 44 54 55 56 66 67 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Vess. Verified Survey Published Date of Date of Existence Flags

                     Code Date Date Date ALP ARP

A050 - Datum Tie

 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 25 26 27 37 38 39 49 50 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Horiz. Ellips. Ortho. Date of Date of Date of Existence Flags

                               Datum Datum Datum Horiz. Ellips. Ortho.

                               Tie Code Tie Code Tie Code Datum Tie Datum Tie Datum Tie

A060 - Airport Elevation

 1 4 5 34 35 49 50 64 65 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Airport Geoid Existence Flags

                                        Elevation Height


A070 - Reported Elements Record

 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Runway Navaids ASOS Obstructions Add. Add Add Add Existence

                                Reported Reported Reported Reported Flag Flag Flag Flag Flags

                                Flag Flag Flag Flag

A310 - Airport Reference System

 1 4 5 9 10 14 15 19 20 24 25 29 30 34 35 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Reference Zone Code Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Existence Flags

                       System Code Unit Code Datum Code Unit Code Datum Code

A710 - Airport Location Point

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Latitude Longitude Existence Flags

A910 - Air Traffic Control Tower

 1 4 5 34 35 49 50 64 65 77 78 88 89 91 92 93 94 96 98 100

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Elevation Elevation Verified Date Src Code Existence Flags

                                        Ortho. Ellips. Elevation

Runway Records

R000 - Runway Identification

 1 4 5 8 9 12 13 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Low End High End Existence Flags

                      ID Number ID Number

R810 - Runway Width

 1 4 5 19 20 77 78 88 89 90 91 93 94 96 98

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Width Verified Date Src Existence Flags



R010 - Runway Type

 1 4 5 6 7 8 18 19 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Rwy Verified Date Existence Flags



R02* - Runway Flags

 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Primary Suppl. Rwy Runway Ana EOD AOC Profile Existence Flags

                               Condition Condition Vessel Vessel Flag Flag Flag Method

                                                                                    Code Det. Date Code Code Code Flag Code

R40* - Runway End Position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Longitude Latitude Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

R41* - Displaced Threshold - by position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Longitude Latitude Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

R51* - Displaced Threshold - by distance

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 100 102 104 106

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Distance Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

R72* - Stopway - by position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Latitude Longitude Existence Flags


R62* - Stopway - by length

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Distance Width Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                                                                                                  Code Code

                                                                                                                                  Distance Width

R73* - Blastpad - by position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Latitude Longitude Existence Flags

R63* - Blastpad - by Distance

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Distance Width Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          . Code Code

                                                                                                                                  Distance Width

R74* - Distance to Boundary - by position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Latitude Longitude Existence Flags

R84* - Distance to Boundary - by distance

 1 4 5 19 20 77 78 88 89 90 91 93 94 96 98

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Width Verified Date Src Existence Flags



R090 - Profile Point Status

 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Runway PP Existence Flags

                               ID Num. Type


R490 - Profile Point - by position

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Longitude Latitude Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

R590 - Profile Point - by distance

 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 106

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Distance Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

Feature Records

F000 - Feature Identification

 1 4 5 6 9 10 11 50 51 93 94 96

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Sequential Feature Existence Flags

                               Point Number Description

F010 - Feature Status

 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 93 94 96 98 100 102 104 106

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Fea. Accuracy Attr. Attr. Attr. Attr. Survey Existence Flags

                               Status Code Code Code Code Code Type

                               Flag #1 #2 #3 #4

F410 - Feature Position


 1 4 5 19 20 34 35 49 50 64 65 66 76 77 78 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 108

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐...☐

ID Code Longitude Latitude Elevation Elevation Det. Date Ver. Date Src Src Existence Flags

                                                          Ortho. Ellips. Horiz. Vert.

                                                                                                                                                             Position Position

F020 - Base Elevation

 1 4 5 34 35 49 50 64 65 91 92 93 94 96 98

☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Elevation Elevation Src Existence Flags

                                        Ortho. Ellips. Code

F030 - Auxiliary Date

 1 4 5 6 16 17 93 94

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐

ID Code Auxiliary Date Existence Flags

Miscellaneous Records

C310 - Airport Reference System

 1 4 5 9 10 14 15 19 20 24 25 29 30 34 35 93 94 96 98 100 102 104

☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

ID Code Reference Zone Code Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Vertical Existence Flags

                       System Code Unit Code Datum Code Unit Code Datum Code

C010 - NGVD29 to NAVD88 Conversion Factor

 1 4 5 6 12 13 93 94

☐☐☐☐ ☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐...☐ ☐

ID Code Conversion Existence Flags



Appendix A. Special Codes

Some fields have ranges defined by special codes. The following tables define these codes.

Existence Flags

Each data field has a corresponding existence code. The following are the positions for each existence code:

              Column 94:         Known flag for field 1

              Column 96:         Known flag for field 2

              Column 98:         Known flag for field 3

              Column 100:       Known flag for field 4

              Column 102:       Known flag for field 5

              Column 104:       Known flag for field 6

              Column 106:       Known flag for field 7

              Column 108:       Known flag for field 8

              Column 110:       Known flag for field 9

              Column 112:       Known flag for field 10

The following are valid values for Existence Flags:

              0                          Known, but could be unknown

              1                         Unknown

              2                          Known, and must be known (for output only)

              3                          Unknown, but must be known (for output only)

              9                          Ignore (corresponding field is not available and the value from the database should be                                            used)

Accuracy Codes

                            horizontal accuracy            vertical accuracy

              1A         20 feet                                02 feet

              1B         20 feet                                05 feet

              1C         20 feet                                20 feet

              2A         50 feet                                02 feet

              2C         50 feet                                20 feet

              1*          20 feet                                -- (none: no elevation known)

              2*          50 feet                                -- (none: no elevation known)

              1M        20 feet                                ?? (elevation is estimated maximum elevation for mobile object)

              2M        50 feet                                ?? (elevation is estimated maximum elevation for mobile object)

              3D         100 feet                              50 feet

Horizontal Datum Tie Codes

              A           BLANK (undefined)

              B          5 CM                                  GPS ANA

              C           50 CM                                GPS ADAM

              D           1:100,000                           CLASSICAL 1ST ORDER

              E           1:50,000                             CLASSICAL 2ND ORDER CLASS I

              F            1:20,000                             CLASSICAL 2ND ORDER CLASS II

              G           1:10,000                             CLASSICAL 3RD ORDER CLASS I

              H           1:5,000                               CLASSICAL 3RD ORDER CLASS II

              I             15 FT                                 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC

              J            > 15 FT                              OTHER

Ellipsoidal Datum Tie Codes

              A          BLANK (undefined)

              B          15 CM                                GPS ANA

              C           50 CM                                GPS ADAM

              D           1 M                                    ORTHO HEIGHT + GEOID HEIGHT, GEOID ‘93 MODEL

              E           > 1 M                                 OTHER

Orthometric Datum Tie Code

              A          1.0 MM * SQRT(K)          CLASSICAL 1ST ORDER CLASS I

              B           1.4 MM * SQRT(K)          CLASSICAL 1ST ORDER CLASS II

              C           2.0 MM * SQRT(K)          CLASSICAL 2ND ORDER CLASS I

              D           2.6 MM * SQRT(K)          CLASSICAL 2ND ORDER CLASS II

              E           4.0 MM * SQRT(K)          CLASSICAL 3RD ORDER

              F            25 CM                                GPS ANA

              G           10 FT                                 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC

              H           > 10 FT                              OTHER

              J           BLANK (undefined)

Attribute Code 1

Note: This code currently has just 1 possible value.

              S            None

Attribute Code 2 (Control/Plotting Symbology)

              blank     Unknown

              T           Triangulation Station

              L           Local Control

              S            Sub Point

Attribute Code 3 (Navigational Aids)

              Code      Abbreviation       Full Name

              blank                                  Unknown/Undefined

               +            APBN                  Airport Beacon

              =            ALS                     Approach Lights

              W          ARSR                  Air Route Surveillance Radar

              A           ASR                     Airport Surveillance Radar

              U           ASR/PAR

              J            BCM                   Back Course Marker

              D           DME                   Distance Measuring Equipment

              Y           FM                       Fan Marker

              F            GS                       Glide Slope

              G           IM                       Inner Marker

              K           LDA                    Localizer Type Directional Aid

              R           LMM                   Locator Middle Marker

              E           LOC                    Localizer

              S            LOM                   Locator Outer Marker

              L           MLSAZMLS Azimuth Guidance

              N           MLSEL               MLS Elevation Guidance

              H           MM                     Middle Marker

              X           NDB                    Nondirectional Beacon

              #            NDB/DME

              I             OM                      Outer Marker

              &           PAPI

              B           PAR                     Precision Approach Radar

              *            PVASI

              $            REIL

              O           SDF                     Simplified Directional Facility

              M          TACAN               Tactical Air Navigation

              C           TDR                    GCA Touchdown Reflectors

              (             TRCV

              )             TVASI

              -             VASI

              P            VOR                    VHF Omni Directional Range

              T           VOR/DME

              Q           VORTAC            VOR + TACAN

Attribute Code 4 (Not currently used)

              blank     Unknown

              ?            not used

Primary Condition Codes (refer to the ‘405' for specifics)

              NUL      None or unknown







Secondary Condition Codes (refer to the ‘405' for specifics)

              NUL      None or unknown
