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The NIH Biowulf cluster is a Beowulf parallel processing system designed and built at the National Institutes of Health. Managed by the Helix Systems Staff, Biowulf consists of a main login/administrative node and 1015 compute nodes (2030 processors) running the Linux operating system.

Accounts on the Biowulf cluster are available to all NIH scientists who have a need for large-scale computational resources.

Biowulf user announcements
Apr 2004: Two blade systems arrive. 132 2 and 4 GB 2.8 GHz Xeon nodes.
Oct 2003: Three additional blade systems arrive. 198 1, 2 and 4GB 2.8GHz Xeon nodes.
Sep 2003: New blade node system arrives. 66 2GB 2.8GHz Xeon nodes.
Aug 2003: Photo gallery now available.
Jul 2003: New web site put into place.
Feb 2003: 192 1.8 GHz nodes have arrived and are in production.