Metabolic Engineering Working Group

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 April 23, 2004

This is a report on results of a very successful Interagency Activity in Metabolic Engineering sponsored by the Metabolic Engineering Working Group (MEWG), an Interagency Working Group that is part of the Subcommittee on Biotechnology which reports to the Committee on Science of the National Science and Technology Council. This Working Group issued on December 18, 2002, an "Interagency Announcement of Opportunities in Metabolic Engineering" (NSF 03-516) which made known the availability of funds to support three topic areas of Metabolic Engineering that were highlighted in the Announcement.

A copy of the Announcement is available at:

41 Full-Proposals were received in response to the Announcement. Each agency that was interested in a particular proposal was asked to supply names of possible reviewers. Each of the participating agencies was also asked to provide names of possible panelists for a Panel review of the Full-Proposals. A Panel of 14 scientists and engineers with a variety of disciplines reviewed all 41 Full-Proposals. The Working Group agreed that the NSF Format and Review Criteria would be used along with additional Review Criteria provided by NIH to evaluate the Full-Proposals. Based on letter reviews and the recommendations of the Panel, 10 Awards were made, totaling $5,773,309.

A data sheet is attached showing how the participating Agencies provided funding for the Awards.

The Working Group is pleased with the results of this fifth Interagency competition in Metabolic Engineering. A new (second) five-year plan has recently been approved by the Subcommittee on Biotechnology and the Working Group is currently discussing methods for carrying out a new Interagency competition in Metabolic Engineering.

Fred G. Heineken
Working Group on Metabolic Engineering

Subcommittee on Biotechnology
Committee on Science
National Science and Technology Council



doc14_grid0b.gif (336 bytes)DATA SHEET


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